Recruiting volunteer associates of the Business Dept (re-published)

Day 989, 12:42 Published in USA USA by havocpwn">


your probably thinking tl;dr well:

that's sad, very very sad, so I'll sum it up for ya. 😛

Here's you're summary: The Fed Business Department NEEDS Volunteers

and are willing to work for peanuts and put in a 7-day week , but get the same benefit of working for a militia commune. (IE:food and misc. support) That happens to be a sweet deal right there 😃

They are also in need of people with Communication/Spreadsheet/Recruitment skills, and also one person that has previous knowledge with running RM/Manu companies to help manage ours. These positions are laid out in the second post in the url link that is at the top. These positions is their Board of Directors and those selected will enjoy more than just food and support, but also commission and general payment. The accounting division of their department is still under the knife but complete information on the payment that a department director or employee will be laid out soon. I don't have any of these skills so... yeah

And last but not least, they need people with spare gold so they can purchase/unmothball companies. 😛 anyone know Hannibal2701? he is one of several who have already donated and the total amount donated is in excess of 50-75 Gold. if you wish to donate, send your inquiry/donation to Federalist Business Department Organization or you can also talk to Nick: Send Nikolai Omega a message in-game, or on IRC @Heretician on Rizon


I would gladly donate, but sadly I'm very very poor (no pity) so... yeah 🙁

Their donations are also documented and recorded, so when the Business Department turns the Federalist Party into a self-sufficient Party and those who have donated and given to this Department will be receiving recognition, and if at the time they ended up losing their home to foreclosure because they sent so much dern money to the bsns department -- the Department will gladly reimburse the amount donated if requested, with interest!

you see that "with interest" INTEREST that's epic, epic I say!

For the Federalist Party!

and a special thanks to:

click them 😃

also shout this article we need all the help we can get.

I had to re-upload due to the newspaper hacker. (the whole rick roll thing on some articles)