"The Screams" Segment 2

Day 1,720, 17:11 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Hunter4Life123
This is the second article in a series called "The Screams". If you have not read the first article, "The Screams", please do.

Now, we left off where Christina Havens had just abandoned her friends. And, like I promised, in this article, you will see why this series is called "The Screams". Here. We. Go.

The Screams
by Hunter4Life123

Part IV: The Screams

I traveled just over ten miles on foot to Topanga, California. My new hang out is in and around a Port-a-Potty behind the Post Office in Topanga. I know, it’s gross, but it’s something. Nobody comes in here except for me.
I walked into the Port-a-Potty, without noticing anything odd. And that’s when I heard the screams.
“Please, no! Take my wallet! Please!” screamed a desperate girl’s voice. Because I was intently listening from inside the Port-a-Potty, I could tell they were right outside. Suddenly all fell silent and there was an odd noise that I knew, but couldn’t quite place it.
“There,” a man grunted, “much better.”
Being packed into that Port-a-Potty, I accidentally banged my head against the toilet paper holder.
“Ow…” I grimaced, trying to be quiet, but the pain clouded my thinking. Unfortunately, the mystery man noticed.
“Well, well, sounds like I have company,” he said in a scarily normal, steady voice. But his next line wasn’t so easy-going. “I’ll find you.” But he didn’t hear exactly where I was when I hit my head. So he went searching. I heard him opening the dumpster lid, and slamming it back down. I heard him opening nearby doorways in buildings, only to find them empty of me. I heard him searching for me. So he could kill me.
Finally, he came to the Port-a-Potty. The lock on it was no match for his pocket knife.
“Here ya are. Now, wanna do this the easy way, the messy way, or the hard way?” Still holding his pocket knife, he leaned in, closer to my throat. “We’ll go with easy to make this thing snappy. Now, just lean a little closer….” I wasn’t about to let this whacko here kill me! So I kicked him in the face. Then played a little leap-frog: I jumped over him, and ran outta there as fast as lightning.
On my way out, I saw the girl that had been screaming. I see a knife in her gut. Now I know what that sound was…the metal blade being stuck into her body, breaking through her innocent skin and puncturing who knows what.
I could call the police on my phone, but I think that would just make the killer want to kill me even more than he already does. It would be like dousing me in fresh blood and throwing me into the ocean, for the sharks to come and devour me. So I decide to keep quiet about it.
Some people may say that I was being pretty risky by running away. But here’s my thought: I had nothing to lose. Right?

Part V: The Envelope

Now I’m at Santa Monica Bay. After what I saw in Topanga, I couldn’t stay there. But here, on the beach, is great for me. I love to walk around on the sand, squeezing it in between my toes. I’m doing just that right now, in fact. Sometimes I find glass or shells in with the sand. But right now, I find paper. It was an envelope, to be exact.
Paper…in an envelope? I thought, what the heck is that doing here? Confused, I bent down, picked it up, and slid out the fancy paper inside.
“‘Christina: Meet me in the park’,” I read aloud, “‘at 5:30 PM tonight! Come alone and don’t be late.’” I have always been a risk-taker; a dare-devil. And I was feeling a bit curious, so I decided to go. To get there on time, I needed to leave in 15 minutes. But I decided to be there 10 minutes early, for good measure. So I’ve got 5 minutes. Getting there early seems like a good idea, because my gut is telling me that the things I heard and saw last night are somehow related to this note….But how does this stalker know my name?
So I’m waiting for 5 minutes, contemplating whether this is really a good idea or not.
This could be dangerous...I realize, but it could also be adventurous. Finally, something exciting is happening in my life!
So…I’m going to go. I’ll start walking now. But because I am feeling rushed for no apparent reason, I begin to jog. Soon I am full out sprinting. I see a bench, and, thankful for a rest, sit down. I wait and wait. I check my watch; it’s 5:32 PM. What has seemed like an eternity have only been a couple of minutes. Suddenly, everything goes black.
Gosh, why didn’t I realize this? I hate adventure! I am scared, but I know that I must have courage to persevere and escape from the grimy hands of this criminal.

In the next article, you will read about how Christina tries to break out.