[POTUS] March With Groot + The Team + Vol. VIII

Day 4,486, 08:08 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

Time for serious business!

Campaigning is lot more complicated when you're already in office.. I want to take a few lines to thanks Tyler Bublar for giving me my new campaign slogan for March! We Are Groot! So i'll keep it simple for everyone. I present to you the team I've picked for the month of March cabinet.

This Presidential election will be crucial for the futur of the country! Not only Asteria is crushing is campaign in south america and North America seems most likely to be the next target on the list. This is the reason I believe we need the best people with the most experiences in charge to ensure our freedom or at least, give them a good fight if the dare come at our borders!

In only 3 weeks, I manage to accomplish more than I've could imagine while in Office! Cant take the credit for all the media outburst we've seen lately but I like to think that I'm responsible for a part of it! Promoting media thru the POTUS newspapers. The return of many players to the active live and community ... Having my political opponents to put up a great propaganda by publish lots of articles to promote the other side.. All good news 😃

I'm still waiting for my opponent to bring something concrete to the table for is program other than ''Bringing fun back'' which quite frankly.. seems empty of sense.. Since I do not believe it is the Country Presidents job to bring the fun.. but the game Admins job..

We had numerous Fly by Prios event in which we returned lots of money to citizens! over 750k currency returned to Americans .. That's not a small feat!
CRAP is still running smoothly and distribute money to an average of 95 citizens daily!

Our Training war program is also running smooth! We are having few changes lately but everything is running great and I see lots of new faces, people fighting with more regularity and farming Gold! That great news 🙂

We have our daily Resistance Wars list posted in game national feed, in eUS Telegram room and on eUS discord! You also notice that I post multiple time a day a Priorities List of all active battle with the flag of the winning country next to the region. Hope it help you guys!

Now, The team!

Minister of Defense: Still waiting reply

Chief of Staff: Cthulu..

Minister of Foreign Affairs: zRTx

Minister of Public relation: I have a great surprise for you guys here 😃 Can't make the official announcement yet.
-Deptarment of Statistics: Mister Y

Departement of Interior: Herr Voostman
- Assistant to CRAP : Miesha

Director of IES : rainy sunday

I also want to remind everyone that I'll be holding a Live Q&A on Monday (Telegram) and Tuesday (Discord) .. Everyone is invited and I hope I'll have a good participation. Bring on the Question!

Useful links for everyone !


We Are Groot 😉