[PotUS] ATO and Abroad

Day 2,186, 12:01 Published in USA USA by Azazel Romanov

A few important things today, and certainly more to follow in coming days. I know a lot of you want updates on Education, Human Services, and other domestic initiatives, which will be here soon. Today is a day for ATO and foreign affairs, so keep up.

ATO instructions


We’re on the home stretch with this, and we are enjoying the benefits of a diminished PTO. They will argue that the lack of foreign support no longer makes him a threat and that we are “picking on them.” As long as they continue to advocate and support harmful actions, they are a threat. As I have said on eNPR, "Frost buried you all, and I am going to make sure you sink deeper into the mud." So what do we need from you? Simple: if you want to maintain a productive and beneficial Top 5 in the eUS, you need to move Pray for the Philippines (name subject to change) whose party president is Ronald Gipper Reagan (name subject to mockery) and VOTE FOR Henry William French ON THE 15TH PARTY PRESIDENT.


For more in-depth voting instructions (since we might require help elsewhere) go to the channel #voting on Rizon IRC. Our Department of Homeland Security will direct you. If you cannot, do not hesitate to contact me for information.

Poland/Spain NAP Intact

I am sure many of you are wondering about this, since the state of Florida was inadvertently won due to a lot of foreign intervention in our resistance war. Despite the efforts of our government to lose the RW, we were unable to do so. However, after meeting with Spain and Poland on this issue, as per our treaty, the NAP will remain intact as further conversations are held on the issue. Continue to avoid fighting in RWs against Spain and Poland, unless you are fighting against the USA. As of now, all treaty regions have been returned. The agreement must be honored, and I will continue to support upholding its provisions. I will let you know of any further developments.

Again, do not fight for the USA in any RW against Poland or Spain. If you see the battle going in our favor, fight for Spain and Poland. Keep our agreement and our word.

Brozil is Back

I am sure many of you saw Minister of Foreign Affairs Aramec's beautiful article, as well as a new MPP proposal. A few months ago we had a conflict, and Brazil and the USA parted ways for a bit. But like all brothers, when we fight we come back together eventually. We had a successful meeting and we are going to work towards regaining our close bond with our brother Brozil. We will begin fighting to help them back on the map, against our common enemies. We will stand together. Our foreign policy this month is about stabilization, and the work being done by Aramec and our allies is so far going well.


Welcome back home. More foreign affairs updates in the future.

To highlight importance, another note on ATO: VOTE FOR Henry William French ON THE 15TH FOR PARTY PRESIDENT IN THIS PARTY

So what do we have in the pipeline? As I said, Education is upcoming, and more foreign affairs are on their way. Human Services is also ticking up and adding areas for improvement. If I get lax on these, please, hold me to them. I made a commitment to you guys, and I am going to do my best to keep it up.

Until next time.