[POTUS] Another branch, another war, another alliance...?

Day 1,808, 20:50 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.
From the desk of the President

Good morning, America.

So, it's been longer than I would like since my last article. I'm sorry, real life kicked me in the butt. Work has been nuts, but that's a weak excuse. I could've cut some sleep time to get it done, but I just...didn't.

A lot has happened, let's talk about the big stuff first. Poland decided to leave CTRL, mostly cause they couldn't get away with doing whatever they wanted, any time they wanted. Boo-hoo. Honestly, I didn't care (and don't) care that they left. What bugs me is that Spain impeached their President for simply considering a world without doing whatever Poland does (also he wasn't super IRC active).

Siddy, pulling strings in Spain

So, the Spanish Congress withdrew from CTRL. Simultaneously, Brasil decided that it was best to simply scrap it instead of expanding as we had discussed when the alliance was originally formed. Leaving the alliance dead, because one country does not an alliance make.

That's not ideal, but I think it makes it clear that the USA needs to choose her friends more carefully. Poland isn't anywhere near ready to walk away from SerbHun, and there is no way the USA could function in the world wearing that weight around the neck for long enough to break that cycle. Being constantly hobbled and limited by the fact that we can't have any conflict with the two countries who have been our fiercest enemies for years. Silly.

We've signed MPPs with some old friends, and we're in a good position to win this new war the Admins hoisted on us with these missions...so everyone go kill some Indos, it should be fun. Blow stuff up, etc.

practicing my 'former President' speechifying...everyone has bills to pay

I have less than five days left in office, so the rest of the month will be housekeeping type stuff. We're working on reorganizing Rogue Squadron in some way, because the CO and XO both had to resign due to other commitments. That's been fun, and will probably be the first big thing Cerb has to deal with when he's sworn in.

I've jumped to another MU, this time the Marines. Originally not a unit I ever planned or expected to join, despite being told to get my sh!t together and do so by former Commandant Deificus, the Marines were the logical choice for week four of Branch Hopping. As the top MU led by the JCS, and joining one of their units being on my to-do list, it simply made sense. Current Commandant Tiacha is a friend of mine, and it's fun to be able to hang out and fight with some old players I don't see much elsewhere.

I haven't had the chance to take part in a Marine mass attack yet, but hopefully I will before my time there is over. I really want to out-hit HisAirness. Just cause.

The Marine application is here. You need to have 15000 strength and be at least a Legendary Force to join. Applications are currently closed, but keep it bookmarked so you know when they open back up.

If any of you have questions or need anything, drop me a message.

As always, I am...

Yours in Service,
~Henry Pfeiffer Arundel
Proud Marine
President of the United States