[Plato Foundation Proposal] Cheaper Packs Project (Mutual Aid Groups)

Day 3,630, 01:50 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by MasonGreenwood
Hello citizens of the eWorld,

Before presenting the program in details, I would like to point out that in eBulgaria have already been created 2 mutual aid power pack (PP) groups under this scheme. The groups are formed on the basis of the means that players can deduct monthly and the cost of the PP.

Group 1 has 6 participants and a monthly installment of 20 000 cc for a period of 6 months
Group 2 has 12 participants and a monthly installment of 10 000 cents for a period of 12 months.

*The eBulgarian government funded the program and the monthly installments dropped to 10 000 and 20 000 from 11 000 and 21 000.

Now some information for chart lovers..

Principle and benefits:

The data I present in our charts is real and based on my observations after I purchased the PP.

On the first chart, we see the rise in my rank after I bought my PP in the first month.
Then the rise of my rank and that of the second player’s rank, whose power pack was purchased in the second month. All of this, given that I , as a player who already owned a power pack, came back to my normal development (before getting a power pack).
In the third month, you see the purchase of PP for the third player in the group, and so on.

The seen above rank progress of players 1, 2, 3 and 4, is compared in the second chart to the average for all players by months with lines. In this graph, each player collects currency for the PP and after the fourth month, each player can afford it.

The red line shows you the common, average increase in the rank for the first month with one purchased power pack against the increase in the rank of non-affiliated with the program players.

From the shown chart, it is clear that the overall rank of the group is rising over the three months or until the purchase of all players' packs. All of this, given that after a purchased PP the player does not undergo further development, which in a normal game is almost eliminated.

As I have already stated, considering the interest in Maverick Pack and Infantry Kits, a new group of 7 players with a monthly installment of 30,000 cc with a 7-month period is to be formed.

There will also be groups of 14 players with a 7-month period.
2 Packs a month are to be given in such groups. The first one - randomly selected the second one – by bidding (the bids will be a few monthly installments paid at once).

Everyone is welcome to take part.
However, for younger accounts, a guarantor is needed. He should be an experienced and trusted player who’d eventually participate instead of somebody, who ceased paying the monthly installments.

And now some information about the program for people who don’t like charts (just like me).

The program’s main purpose is to make power packs more affordable for weaker accounts.


We group them. Let’s imagine we formed a group of 6 players. The monthly installment will be the power pack’s price divided by 6. For example: 140 000/6=23 300.
Each month’s installments are going to buy one of those guys a Pack.

Whom exactly?

Well, we will randomly select someone.
This means the first few people will get the Pack for very low price. But this is just one of the many benefits.
Every kind of sponsorship is going to lower the monthly installment. Should Plato sponsor the program, people will get to buy Power Packs for a lower price. And Plato is going to generate bigger income. Win-win situation.

Why buy Packs?

Because they help the account get strong much faster.

Each country could try the proposed scheme and help its players, especially the weaker accounts among them.

I‘d be glad if we helped!

The goal is turning the program into international one. With that being said, expect the conditions and ways to enroll in the program very soon.

Thank you for your attention!


As from Plato Foundation, I demand sponsorship, in order to lower the monthly installments and therefore stimulate more players to buy power packs.