[Petar II Makedonski]Запознајте ја МАКЕДОНИЈА(16) - Гевгелија

Day 1,823, 10:14 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Petar II Makedonski
Гевгелија е град во југоисточниот дел на Република Македонија сместена во Гевгелиско - валандовската котлина во непосредна близина на границата со Република Грција (3 км).

Според една легенда за настанок на името Гевгелија се смета дека еден дервиш кој дошол и не сакал да си оди од Гевгелија, бидејќи многу му се допаѓало местото. Жителите не сакале да го примат и решиле насила да го прогонат. Разлутен од тоа, дервишот почнал луто да ги проколнува жителите кои се исплашиле и го повикале назад со зборовите гел-гери што значи ела назад. Иако легенда, гевгеличани ова го сметаат за заклетва на предците т.е. секогаш да бидат добродојдени оние што одлучуваат да ги задомат своите идеи во градот.
Гевгелија како град почнала да се развива уште од средината на 19 век, кога населението од овие краеви ја почуствувало потребата да создава современа населба во помош на на минувачите-трговци и да биде домаќин на нивните патувања кон Блискиот Исток со многубројни анови.

Според последниот попис направен во 2002 година, Гевгелија има 15.685 жители.



Gevgelija, is located in the southeast of Macedonia along the bank of the Vardar River, situated at the Macedonia's main border with Greece. Gevgelija is seat of the Gevgelija municipality.
According to the 2002 census, Gevgelija had a population of around 15,685. Gevgelija lies at an altitude of 50 meters above the sea level.
The E-75/M-1 road is passing by Gevgelija and connects Gevgelija with Skopje (165 km), Veles (106 km) and Negotino (64 km) on the north-west, and Salonica (70 km) on the south.
Gevgelija acts as a rail depot between Macedonia & Greece, making it a regional center. Apart from agriculture, Gevgelija also has a well developed light industry and trade. Gevgelija is also a centre for raising silkworms, an integral part of Macedonia's silk trade. Alongside its agriculture, Gevgelija economy consists of a light industry sector.
Gevgelija tourism is growing, with a spa located in the nearby village of Negorci. Gevgelija has a large number of casinos located in the town and the surroundings. Gevgelija has been nicknamed The Macedonian Las Vegas because of the great number of Greeks who come to the town and visit its six casinos and numerous shops.

Climate & When to come in Gevgelija

Its position in the south of Macedonia gives it a warm, Mediterranean climate, making it well suited for the cultivation of various kinds of fruits and vegetables, including some that are typical to the Mediterranean climate, like oranges and lemons. Numerous plants of wine yards with different types of grapes are also found here in Gevgelija.


Health and Care in Gevgelija
Negorci Spa

Located close to the village Negorci, at 3 km, from Gevgelija and 6 km the Greek border. It is located in extremely pleasant surroundings, at the bottom of the mountain Kozuf, at the height of 22 m, amidst European ash woods, which form a natural park.
Within the spa resort there are two waters: Vrela banja-hot, and Ladna banja/cold, or so called Sukripasina. The waters in the Vrela banja have temperature of 400C, and of Ladna banja 380C.

Sports and Recreation in Gevgelija

Kozuf ski resort

Kozuf is aspecific mountain because it is the first natural barrier in the Republic of Macedonia that is directly exposed to the influences of the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. Its highest peak is Zelenbeg, at 2,171 meters above the sea level. A new and modern ski center is built recently on the mountain.
It's located just 13 km western from Gevgelija and it is a major winter resort in this part of the country. A cable railways system with a capacity of 13,500 skiers per hour, as well as an international heliodrom, structures for providing services to the resort, a central parking lot and a gas stations.
According to the expert team analyses, the main ski season is expected to last from 15th December to late March, whereas the summer tourist season is anticipated to take place from mid June to late August.

Casinos and Gambling
The Macedonian Las Vegas is the title given to Gevgelija since the town is seat of many casions. Because of this great number of Greeks are coming to Gevgelija and visit its six casinos and numerous shops; some 1,500-2,000 Greek citizens cross the Bogorodica border every day. 😛


Ски центар Кожуф

Негорски бањи

Вардарски рид

An ancient Macedonian town that dates from Early Antiquity. Vardarski Rid is located on a hill, at the E-75 junction. The town center started urbanization in the Balkans. Recent archaeological excavations show part of the architectural layout of the stoa, segments from the settlement and an acropolis. Vardarski Rid is a great spot for picnicking, and camping.


5.Истакнати личности:
Васил Гучев
Георги Старделов
Димитар Зафировски
Илија Џаџев
Илија Докторов
Милко Мирчев
Блаже Миневски
Кирил Манасиев

ЗА ШАУТ: [Petar II Makedonski]Запознајте ја МАКЕДОНИЈА(16) - Гевгелија - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-petar-ii-makedonski-16--2158270/1/20

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