Day 5,298, 01:48 Published in USA USA by Tito Magnus

The war against CODE continues in Asteria's favor, with Asteria forces now turning to crush a major part of the evil alliance that is CODE. This past few weeks Asteria forces launched a coordinated three-pronged attack against Russia, managing to break through Russian defenses despite fierce resistance by hordes of Russian defenders. But while Asteria forces continued to push towards victory in Russia, they also suffered their first major setback after Croatia launched a devastating lightning offensive in the Balkans that broke through Asteria lines.

Russian Front

Capitalizing off recent successes in expelling Croatia from Belarus, Asteria forces launched a coordinated invasion of Russia from the West, South and East. As Romanian and Ukrainian forces pushed northward from the Black Sea and Belarussian and Bulgarian forces pressed eastwards from the Baltic Region Russian forces rapidly collapsed, unable to defend against the highly-mobile and well-coordinated invasion. With Moscow itself threatened, other CODE nations attempted to send aid to Russia however this was not enough to prevent the fall of Russia's sacred capital to triumphant Asteria forces.
Asteria's three-pronged invasion of Russia

With the main Russian military defending Moscow in the West, the U.S. invasion of Far East Russia was able to secure a beachhead, threatening to spill out and capture all of Russia's pacific coast. Faced with this possibility fellow CODE nations, namely France, moved eastwards to engage the Americans, finally expelling the U.S. troops from their beachhead in Far East Russia after fierce fighting.

While the U.S. assault in the east failed, most of Western Russia has fallen to Asteria forces, leaving the Russian government and military to relocate and reorganize east of the Ural Mountains.
Current military situation in Western Russia

Balkan Front

While Asteria pushed to victory in Russia, CODE struck back with a devestating offensive in the Balkans. Croatia, cut-off from other CODE nations and besieged, had long been thought on its last legs in the face of multiple Asteria attacks. Despite this, however, Croatia called upon large pools of reserve "legendary" players to mount a blitzkrieg offensive that took Asteria forces in the Balkans by surprise.

The Croatian offensive broke through Asteria lines and managed to invade and conquer Serbia. The rapid annexation of new territories led to the Croatians declaring themselves an "Empire" and being recognized as on in the game. Despite the successes however Croatia's offensive was unsustainable as a majority of its forces moved towards occupying and securing the newly conquered Serbian territories, and ultimately Serbia was able to mount a defense of its remaining territories in the south of the nation. With Croatia fortifying its new conquests, Asteria forces in the Balkans will seek to reclaim Serbia.

While Asteria commanders have assured WCN that Croatia's recent victories do little to change the overall strategic picture, the rapid fall of a close Asteria ally is still troubling, especially being the first major setback for Asteria in this phase of the war.
Current military situation in the Balkans

While the war continues overall in Asteria's favor, the Croatian offensive shows that while CODE has suffered a series of defeats and setbacks it remains a dangerous enemy power still capable of striking back. We cannot rest now! Keep fighting to finish CODE for good and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity!