[NAZ4VP] I'm Going To the Big House!

Day 3,225, 18:56 Published in USA USA by Azazel Romanov

Or a slightly smaller house I suppose. So I’m running for congress again (maybe, depending on the powers that be and whether or not they want me to also be a power that … bees?), which means I may soon be in a position of official standing within our country. That is of course if Dear Leader Orikfricai continues to obey the rules of the defensive dictatorship and does not become what is known as a real dictator (or in the minds of BSP members, stay the course).

Why is this important? Because an official position for me means and official position for you. Kind of. It means I will be able to vote on things and say I’m speaking for you, the people, when in fact it will most likely be whatever I want to speak about. That’s why we’re a republic and not a democracy. If you don’t believe me, you can go read a book on governing systems, hopefully in your library and not on the internet. But this will mean that I will not only be Acting VP, but also Acting Congressman. These stepping stones will add up in time and our movement will be rocketing toward those stars in the sky.

Also it is worth noting that the United States has completed its assimilation of Indonesia, and may be moving elsewhere sometime, so stay alert! We’re at Code Orange which means we could face a revolt from Indonesians or British at any time, so stay sharp and keep our imperialist occupation going for as long as we please (or until we get bored which is the more likely scenario).

And don’t forget about Assistant Acting Vice President Paul Proteus, who was working on a project I can now share with you. See, a long time ago Paul decided to choose the avatar Scott Pilgrim, a character close to his heart and mindset. Not the drama, the procession of girlfriends, or the fact that Scott Pilgrim learns he is a strong willed person with self-respect. No, I’m talking about Scott Pilgrim’s nationality. That’s right, Paul has been deep behind enemy lines in Canada providing me with intel about their next move. He has returned and let me know that Canada is doing nothing, as per usual, so we’re all good America.

But even though Canada doesn’t have a next move, I sure do. I will let you guys know in due time what I will be doing and where I will be going, so sit tight and we’re going to have a good time. If there is something you would like me to discuss in an article at some point in the near future before that time I will be talking about other things, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you.

Until then,
Acting Vice President Azazel Romanov