[National Day] Lebanon's 70th birthday

Day 2,194, 10:51 Published in Egypt South Africa by Farbous

A wonderful good evening to everybody,

Today is the best day of the entire year. Why? Lebanon got its independence 70 years ago and that's a reason to celebrate. Therefore, I'm going to give a present to all of you, so that you can celebrate too! 🙂

There's no need to vote, you just have to comment the article and you will get a present. Anyway, if you want to vote, feel free to do so!

Lebanon is not only Nasrallah, Hizbullah or terrorism. Some facts which you certainly haven't known yet:

- Lebanon is a multicultural country with 18(!) accepted religious communities
- Lebanon is one of the only countries in the Arab World with no state religion
- The President has to be a Christian
- There are around 4 Million Lebanese inside of Lebanon. The majority lives abroad (between 12 and 18 Million).
- A significant number of Brazilians have Lebanese origins (5%-10% of all 200 MIllion Brazilians)
- the world's richest man is of Lebanese descent

- ever tried a wine from the Middle East? Forget the wines from Turkey or Israel, Lebanon's wines are splendid
- Lebanon is popular for its snowy mountains. In winter, people from all over the world come to Lebanon to ski
- If the weather is good, you can be in the snowy mountains and see the beautiful sea
- Beirut and its nightlife are famous for endless nights

Enjoy the day and keep up fighting \o/