[MoHA] Appointments Americans and London

Day 779, 03:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Good grief! Two MoHA articles in two days! I must be ill or your seeing things.
Now lots to talk about so onto business...

The Tim

Ok just a quick run down of folks who'll be running the MoHA with me this month. This is not the full list just a few faces you need to be aware of:

Goku Jones & UK's finest will be heading up the New Players Department.

Horice G Fossil will be our new media tzar.

Asher Di Immortales is our entertainment man for another month.

Mailak Kalan has taken on the task of running our newest department of Gifting. Expect more from him soon.

RL Dodgy Dude is the man for advertising this month. eUK papers expect a knock on your door from him.

Daniel Thorrold or as I know call him, without his permission, Mr Wiki. He'll be keeping our wiki up and running. More on that in a few days.

I've also asked Dan Moir to act as a kind of number two. He'll be helping out when ever possible as he's a good bloke.

We still need apprentices so drop me, Karacticus, or any of the above folks a line if your after a job.


I feel it is this departments duty to provide an educational service to all our citizens. Now as many of you are aware, those pesky Americans are saying nasty things about us.

An American Export

It seems they are also intent on bringing their culture to our shores. We do not want this.
The day we use the words soccer and color will be a horrific day for us all.
Therefore I think it only pertinent to use the Scouse vernacular in response to their outlandish comments.

Aye! Aye! Calm down!


Over the next few days all eUK citizens will be asked to move to the nations capital, London.
Information on why we are doing this will be provided in the message. Please help us by following the instructions you receive and if you can do it now Move to London.

That is all,

Minister of Home Affairs