[MoFa] little update and a list of official newspapers around the world

Day 3,522, 07:35 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

I promised I would give you an article so here it is.

At the moment I don’t have much more to say about what is going on with the plans of the UK in terms of battles and or helping allies. I leave that announcement for the President if the deals are final. What I can tell you is that we are renewing all our Orion MPP’s and honour the MPPs with Asteria as well are inviting to strengthen ties with old friends like Poland. It is somewhat a tricky business to forge MPPs because in the current eWorld situation everybody is basically looking for Trainin Wars with friends. Friends who you most like have MPP’s with that will be canceled out by an Natural Enemy vote or new MPP forged with a country who is at war with one of your allied countries. Sometimes we have to be reminded that signing MPP’s cost a lot of money and each one needs to be carefully planned.

up for renewal are:

Estonia on the 16th of July
France on the 19th of July

Seeing it has been a while this country had a real Foreign affairs article, I thought it would be nice to refresh everybody's memories with what goes on in the department.

The department of Foreign Affairs, the President and all other members of Government are here to inform you about what goes on in your own country and specifically for Foreign affairs inform you about the rest of the world. Any information that is relevant to making decisions about our own country and interesting developments in battles should be communicated with you.

As Minister I have made my own tools to quickly access information. I talked about it in my own newspaper. This tool I use to keep track of when our MPP’s are to expire but also to analyse who is doing what in warefare and alliance politics. It is the departments duty to inform the president as much as possible and when he goes to talk with other leaders he is well informed.

This afternoon I spend some time digging up information that could be useful for those who really want to be involved in all aspects of this game. Politics and certainly Foreign Affairs is awesome gameplay.
This list is not complete and with this I make a shout to all countries to provide me with the information to fill in the blancs. Many countries have a lot more official newspapers on their lists but I did not include those who haven’t been written in for the past few months.
I also will have to find the old codes from the banners or make new ones for the countries which were added after I left the game to be two clicker.

Official Newspaper list

Albania didn’t get back to me after I send their CP a PM, but I suspect Albania has to work with personal newspapers to get the message across.

Ministerio de Defensa

Aus Ministry of Education

Aus Dept of Defence

Aus Dept of Information

Der Soldat


MoFA Belarus

eBelarus Battle Orders

MinInfo - eBelarus Today

Belarus Financial Times

Belgium Info


Sluzbene novine eBiH

Ministerio da Defesa

Diario Oficial do Brasil

MdE - Diario Educativo

Armeiski Vestnik

Narodno Subranie

Educational Press

BG Foreign Affairs Office

President of eBulgaria

The Hill Times...

Ejercito de Chile

Cancilleria de eChile



Hrvatski vojnik

Croatian Foreign Office

Glasnik Predsjednika eHR


MoFA of the eCZ Republic

Ministerstvo obrany CR



Eesti Kaitse

Valtion Sanomat

Bulletin du MinEco

Journal Officiel

Info Defense


Der Bundesanzeiger

Ministry of Community

Ministry of Press GR

Kulugyi Kozlony

Hadugyi Kozlony

Magyar Kozlony

Oktatasi Kozlony

Voice of eHungary



Istana Negara

S.E.R.I - Dephan Orders

Iran doesn't have official newspapers anymore. All information can be found in the Governments personal newspapers.

Irish DoD Orders

Irish Foreign Affairs


Gazetta Ufficiale di Governo


Latvijas Kareivis



MoFa Mexico

El Presidente Informa


eNL Foreign Affairs

Ministerie van Defensie







Ministerstwo Obrony

Gazeta Rzecznika Rzadu

Boletim da Presidencia

Boletim do MD

Boletim do MDS


MoFA Macedonia


Ministrul Apararii

eRussian MoD

MoFA of eRussia

I-G-D News

Vojska Srbije

Uputstva za igru

Sluzbeni Glasnik eSrbije

The Voice of eSerbia



Obrambno Mimistrstvo



Boletin de AAEE

Boletin de Defensa

Comunicacion BOE

Ministerio de Economia

Noticias para el novata

TSM Information

Swedish Diplomatic Corps

Swiss Federal Palace
Swiss Department of Defence
Swiss Diplomatic Diary

Thai Ministry of Defence


President of eUkraine


Bank of England News

MoD News

UK Foreign Office


Daily Affairs

White House Press Room

US Department of State

Boletin Diplomatico, RREE

I hope you find this information useful.