[MoFA] An Update on the Aftermath

Day 2,182, 18:02 Published in Ireland USA by Raven Anarcho

It's been a busy week already for our MoFA team. I'd hoped to get an article out sooner, but due to issues with using the MoFA account, I'll be releasing articles under my newspaper until further notice.


As most know, CoT has been disbanded. Some nations, like Chile, have stated public interest in a new alliance already, while most are only waiting it out while the dust settles. I've been told by ex-CoT HQ that at the time of the break-up, almost all of CoT still felt a sense of comradery, and it will likely remain so for most nations until a new alliance is born.


On Sunday, Ireland held this term's first National Strike, for Portugal against Spain in Castillas de Leon. Castillas de Leon is Spain's largest (natural) region. Interestingly, the region is home to the largest number of "World Heritage Sites" in the world.

(Castle of Mota)

The region came under attack by an old ally of ours, Portugal, only shortly after NEing their long time rival, Spain, just a few days ago. The two nations have been rivals for years, with Portugal often trying to solve things peacefully every few months, but with little to no success in the long run. Portugal has been pro-TWO for months now, and remains extremely close to CUA, since even before our relations with CUA. They've signed MPPs with many TWO nations and pro-TWO nations recently, including Greece and Turkey.

It shouldn't surprise most that given the chance to help our old ally Portugal, Ireland jumped on the opportunity. Some may remember late last year, when Ireland NE'd Poland in order to stand up for Portugal, and was wiped. Our two nations may indeed be traveling down different path's diplomatically, but we will always remember our days in EDEN, and will always have a mutual respect on the battlefield.

Portugal won Castillas de Leon, and Ireland wishes the best of luck to Portugal in its future endeavors. o7


No domingo a Irlanda realizou o seu primeiro Ataque Nacional, por Portugal contra a Espanha em Castilla y León. Castilla y León é a maior região (natural) da Espanha. Curiosamente, a região abriga o maior número de "Património Mundial" no Mundo.

(Castelo de Mota)

A região foi atacada por um velho aliado nosso, Portugal, logo após dar NE no seu rival de sempre, a Espanha, à poucos dias atrás. Os dois países são rivais à anos, com Portugal a tentar resolver as coisas pacificamente de meses em meses, mas com pouco ou nenhum sucesso a longo prazo. Portugal tem sido pró-TWO ao longo dos últimos meses, e continua a estar muito próximo da CUA, mesmo antes das nossas relações com a CUA. Portugal assinou recentemente MPP's com muitas das nações TWO e pró-TWO, incluindo a Grécia e a Turquia.

Não deve surpreender que com esta hipótese de ajudar o nosso velho aliado, a Irlanda aproveitou a oportunidade. Alguns podem lembrar quando no ano passado a Irlanda deu NE à Polónia com o fim de ajudar Portugal, e foi "apagada". As nossas duas nações podem de facto estar a caminhar diplomaticamente por caminhos diferentes, mas vamos sempre relembrar os nossos dias na EDEN, e teremos sempre um respeito mútuo no campo de batalha.

Portugal ganhou Castilla y León e a Irlanda deseja a melhor sorte para Portugal nos seus futuros empreendimentos. o7


As I've stated, we've been busy. We have a list of nations we're looking to sign MPPs with, and some have contacted us as well. We're also looking to expand our relations some to nations we've not had strong ties with before. We understand that our MPP list is shrinking slowly, but please consider that many of our recent CoT allies are wiped, with other neutral nations not at war. We should have more updates to follow soon, and that includes some MPPs.

Also, special thanks to Ireland's friend, Langulho, and Portugal's MoD, GossyPT for help with translating.

Until next time...


"One who has never seen Irishmen cannot know them. Give me two hundred thousand Irishmen and I will overthrow the entire British monarchy." -Frederick Engels

The Irish Radical issue #57