[MoE] What to do first

Day 2,220, 22:56 Published in Philippines North Macedonia by Popay I

When people first join the ePhilippines community in eRepublik, they may be baffled and confused, not knowing what to do. This article will hopefully give you the basic guidelines to start your elife well!


The first thing that a player may want to do is get a job: earning them a little bit of cash.

To do this, follow this link and click apply. (On the left of the job you want!)

Once you have applied go to http://www.erepublik.com/en/economy/myCompanies and press work

Producing food

Although you start out with some food, you can produce your own to give yourself some extra supply.

Follow this link, select the icons in the manager columns and press start production.


Strength is a very important aspect of the game- and to get more, you train. There are 4 types of training grounds, but when you first join, only use the first one. To use it you go here, select the first icon, and press train.


Before you start fighting, it is best for you to find a military unit so you can fight where your damage is need and claim the daily reward. Once you have done this, a box should appear on your homepage telling you to get 10 kills in order to get full membership. Go to my campaigns and keep clicking the fight button. This should level and rank you up a few times and may get you full membership in your military unit.


Once all the above has been done you may want to be in a political party. In order to do this, you have to be level 13. Go to http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/my-party and select the party you would wish to join.

Military Unit

Click here to join the Military Unit.You can to become a member of any military unit that you like.

So, that's the basics for you guys, good luck!

Minister of Education
Day 2,220