[MoE] Updates and Funds

Day 2,121, 08:18 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Hello everyone, since Crisfire has inadvertently done me a favor by posting an
informational article with plenty of useful links I've decided to skip that process. Thanks, Crisfire. I don't actually have to do any work now, I appreciate it.

(Please check his article out if you haven't)

As most of you probably don't know, I am this month's Minister of Education.(God help us all) So with my endless amounts of time thanks to procrastination I have begun the process of pursuing certain projects along with my partner, Utat. (The Former MoE)

Here are some of the projects we're working on:

We're reintroducing the Ministry of Health, I've already contacted Doctor of Souls as to whether or not he will be willing to continue. If not, I will take his place as is my duty as MoE until I'm forcibly removed from office later. As such, a donation link will be set up later to fund the MoH and feed new players.

Update: DoS has not responded, so I'll take matters into my own hand to set this up.

Godfather Program, also known as a Mentorship program. If you're interested in teaching or guiding new players about the game please apply here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RdHvrY8LCZ1pevnPsN9q3d-ySY2RcPMS6oAhQ08TyVc/viewform


It means we have taken a few baby steps towards DMV's major goals of Player Retention and Population Boom. Along with lowering our taxes for September, we'll be seeing a lot more players in general. Just not new ones but old ones as well 😛.


If you'd like to donate to the MoH fund to feed new players, send food to this Profile All donations will be logged and recorded as well as food sent. So don't worry about me stealing your Q1 food folks. I have 14K storage left, so I'll remove the link once I'm close the limit. Thanks.