[MoE] Iaponia II [Fin]

Day 5,197, 20:05 Published in Japan Ireland by Violence Seth

Hello. My name is Seth the Magnificent.

I will serve as eJapan's Minister of Education for February 2022.

I'm from the far away, winter-isle of Éire. I like long walks upon rocky, desolate beaches, potatoes and singing along to war pipes. I'm not a new player, eRepublik-wise, but I am kinda new to eJapan. It may seem like Ireland has nothing to do with Japan but here I am as living proof via the internet. Scolding yiz, baka mono!

This gig, MoE (Minister of Education) is a role I often find myself in. Along with rocky beaches, poitín and ceol, I'm also known for my writing. I interview people from around the eWorld, I post on current events and in my more lucid times, I try write wild fiction. My job this February is to keep you entertained and well informed; which is a role, for all my dalliances, I mean to fulfill honourably w/ the help of the venerable Akane Homura acting as Advisor during my tenure.

Okay, now you have the jist of me. If you have anymore questions, don't be shy, I'm just a msg away.
Right so, the role of MoE in my experience is the guy/gal that wants to keep their community active. eJapan is already active despite what I do or say so all I can do is add to it; e.g I'll try me best to keep players active and interested. A good aul fashion haiku competition was the first thought that crossed my mind and you know what they say about first thoughts..

Should I fail this sacred role I'll get the boot quicker than a tired metaphor, but hopefully it dunnae come to that. Ya know, I was gonna meander through Bashó's Narrow Road to the Deep North (I even bought the Nobuyuki Yuasa translation) but instead of boring the heck outta yiz, my dear, fellow eJapanese, I'd like to hear some of your haikus.

What makes eJapan special for you?

Like all endeavours of this nature, a prize must be put forward. eJapanese only, unless you can convince me otherwise in haiku form.

All entrants welcome.

Let us make a present, worthy of the past!

Post your haikus (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables) in the comments.

(10,000¥ Donations from Fyreous, Dio Eraclea & 20,000¥ from Byreous)

UPDATE: We have a winner! 60,000cc goes to *drum roll*

The dreaded Rabbit of Caerbannog

Springset by Rabbit

Spirited fountain
Red sunrays on the plane sing
Beyond the flowers

Thank you to everyone who particapated.
Sanka shite kudasatta minasama, arigatōgozaimashita.

Thank you for reading 🙂
Go chōshu arigatōgozaimashita

Ya Boi,

セス 🇯🇵
Seth, eJapan MoE