[MoE] Basics to Success

Day 2,128, 15:49 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Hello everyone, it’s good to see you all. It’s my pleasure to present my first official and long overdue MoE article. (I hope to soon drown the media in these weak articles)

The first things we’ll address are the basics of eRepublik, the first steps to survival and success.

Daily Orders
Saving Resources

While it may not look like much, these are very important to improve your resources.

Jobs are very important for two reasons; they earn you money for minimal energy use and/or support your Military Unit. Much as there are two reasons, there is two ways you can go about jobs.


You can work for another player in eCanada and earn money for working (Around 20-25 CAD right now) Unfortunately; you have to be located in one of eCanada’s territories in order to apply for a job. So please remember to apply for a job as soon as you can before moving for any Daily Orders or Wars.

Pros of Working for a player:
It’s a constant source of income to buy weapons and food from the market.
You may receive a raise for consecutive days of work.
Ten days of work is usually equal to one gold.
You can afford to move to fight in battles.

Cons of Working for a player:
You can’t buy as many tanks or food as you would earn from a Slave Pit.
Not many eCanadians pay you in tanks instead of CAD.


Alternatively, you can support your military unit and work in a slave pit. In exchange for working daily, the MU will give you tanks to fight and complete your daily order. This is the recommended path for newer players, as purchasing from the market is a constant drain on your resources and shouldn’t be done until you’re a more experienced player.

Pros of Working in a slave pit:
You receive lots of tanks for your work
You can complete your Daily order without spending money on weapons.
You support your Military Unit.

Cons of Working in a slave pit:
You have no income to move to certain battles.
You have to move to the country your slave pit is in. [Most MUs will repay your moving fees though]
You can’t fight until you’re supplied.

Working is also a part of Daily Tasks, which also require you to train to receive a daily reward of 1 XP/1 Strength point. Every five days you complete them you will receive 5XP/5 Strength points.

Training is a highly cost effective way of increasing your strength (Increasing the amount of damage you do) while earning gold. Newer players should definitely invest into their training grounds as soon as possible. Remember to wait for Upgrade Sales before upgrading to save as much gold as you can. These sales are usually once every two months but are the prime times for upgrading your grounds.

You receive a Super Soldier medal (5 Gold) for every 250, or for every quarter of a thousand strength points you earn. Equivalent to 50 days of working, not including the daily task bonuses you receive for training and working everyday.

The cost effectiveness of upgrading your training grounds are amazing, as the first upgrade cuts in half the amounts of days you’re required to work. Receiving a Super Soldier medal every 25 days instead of 50.

Here’s some of the math:
SS = Super Soldier
To learn about more Acronyms please check out this article by a promising new player, James Scarlet: Acronyms

Level One Free TG: 5 Strength = SS every 50 days (Standard amount)
Level Two Free TG: 10 Strength = SS every 25 days (Cut in half)
Level Three Free TG: 15 Strength = SS every 17 days (Cut by 8 days)
Level Four Free TG: 20 Strength = SS every 12.5 days (Cut by 4.5 days)

And this is only with the FIRST training ground.
As you can clearly see, the amount of strength and gold you receive increase as you upgrade your Training Grounds. It’s highly recommended to make training your number one priority in game, as it’s a stable source of income and strength.

For a more in depth look into Training Grounds please check out this informative article here. TRAINING GROUNDS


Daily Orders are part of the military actions in this game, for every twenty-five soldiers you defeat you earn a reward. This reward can only be received once every day, making it a “Daily Order”. The same as a daily in World of Warcraft pretty much. The amount is the same everyday and the reward is the same thing everyday.

You will receive ONE energy bar that recovers 100 energy instantly and FIVE Bazooka Parts that can be used to make a Bazooka. (A Bazooka instantly defeats the enemy opponent and does 10,000 damage per use. With a durability of 3, it’s an output of 30,000 damage per Bazooka. Bazookas are incredibly important in the early stages of the game; making it incredibly easy to rack up Battle Heroes. BHs are rewarded to the player who deals the most damage in a battle.)

Bazookas require a certain base amount of strength before you can build them, so you must have 150 strength before you can start building them.

If you don’t know how battles work, please review this image to learn more about them.


The most important part of this game is saving your resources for the right times. If you stockpile your resources you can easily be the most dangerous player in a battle.

So remember to save ENERGY BARS, GOLD, AND BAZOOKAS. In short save your EGBs.

EBs and Gold are both very important through all stages of the game, while Bazookas are more prominent in the Early/Mid game. They can easily earn you a Battle Hero in D1/D2, but after a while Bazookas drop off and your standard hit will do more damage than a Bazooka. So they’ll no longer be useful except for Kill Missions or completing DOs.

DO NOT SPEND GOLD ON HEALTH PACKS AS THEY’RE NOT COST EFFECTIVE AND A WASTE OF YOUR GOLD. Keep an eye on your energy when fighting so you don’t accidently use an Energy Bar or buy a Health Packs.
