[MoD] Daily order day 2213 - 06:57

Day 2,213, 06:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Defence- SA

eSA orders

Well looking at the happenings around us at the moment. There are currently no orders to fight but rather to stockpile and get ready for when we need you the citizens of eSA, to hit like crazy. Currently the only orders are to train and complete your daily orders. We are heading for WAR. So look out for orders from your MU commanders, they will be contacted shortly

Alright change in plans we need you to attack with full might. We are hitting Uruguay in the Western Cape! To arms ! FIGHT FOR eSA !


Also I am currently looking for someone to assist me in the daily running of the ministry of Defence. Just drop me a mail.

For eSA.

Minister of Defence