Day 1,795, 16:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Hello Ireland.

As you can see this Community article is again written on my personal newspaper. Due to the recent events the access to the Ministry Paper has been temporarily unavailable. So we get my paper.....

This contest should make some of you out there very happy.

You can pay to keep Victor Kurgan quiet for one week.

Well to call it a contest is not really accurate. It is more of a fundraiser. And as many of you know Ireland can use the funds right about now.

So all you have to do is donate money to keep Kurgan quiet.

Send any amount you feel like sending to me, Anthony Colby.

Once we meet 100,013 IEP then for one week Kurgan will be quiet. No articles, or shouts or anything. He does have to run his MU so he will be able to do that but for everyone else silence.

So send in your money. You will have to PM me with the message that the money is to go towards the "make the Kurgan STFU" contest or else I will consider it a donation.

So get to it.

Also please shout out this article to everyone you know and vote it up since I don't have as many subs as the Ministry Paper and we all want as many people to see this as possible.


Minister of Community
Anthony Colby