[LARGO4POTUS] The Platform

Day 2,383, 21:31 Published in USA USA by John Largo

I am John Largo and I am running for President of the United States.

In my previous article, LARGO4POTUS, I threw my hat in the ring for election. Admittedly it was a rather timid announcement. Let me explain.

I've had the opportunity to work on the election teams of quite a few Presidential candidates over the years. A couple months ago, I was one of a few people that Gnilraps chose to help advise him on his first successful Presidential campaign. Gnilraps was far and away the most organized Presidential candidate that I have ever seen. He did work, and had his entire team did work (I mean lots of work), many days before the election. We just assumed he would win, and the work would not be in vain. It would have been awful to do that work, and then not be rewarded.

I aspire to be as well prepared as Gnilraps was in his first term...and that is my reasoning for the timid announcement. I will not waste people's time, if I do not believe the votes are there. So my opening article was challenge as much as it was announcement. I asked people to show their support in their primaries, if they really wanted me to run. Well, the support has been overwhelming. Thank you all.

Not only am I leading the sitting president in the AMP primary (as I write this), but I also have been told that I am a candidate in the WTP primary. The SFP has sent me a request for a Q&A on their forum (signed-up, just waiting for approval to post). And the PMs of encouragement and offers to help are wonderful. I feel like there is a large group of people waiting to support me. So, how can I say no?

My Platform

What will differentiate me from my fellow candidates are new ideas and concepts that I am eager to implement. I've been pondering these ideas over the years, and I believe they are now ready for prime time

As I mentioned in my announcement article, I support lower taxes. As Derphoof so observantly pointed out in the comments, the President does not decide the tax rate. I am a 28 term Congressman and have done most jobs up and down the spectrum of political offices. I understand who pushes the tax button. But as President, I am not powerless to help influence the decisions of Congress....which is a good introduction for my first new idea:

Idea 1. I will personally cover the standard budgeted amount for the USAF. As President, I will have Commander-in-Chief authority over the USAF, and with my personal wealth, I will fund them. Congress will need less money, and will either choose to cut taxes, or they will reach their new reserve target sooner than expected, and hopefully cut taxes then.

Before I introduce my next idea, I need to first explain how I see our nation and our military strength. We once were a nation united under one military and one national storyline. Over time and power struggles, the one military has split into different militaries and militias, and our united storyline has fractured into mistrust and infighting. In the few battles over the years that we have all fought together, we demonstrated the power of the eUS might. But unfortunately, more often than not, we fight separate battles (if not each other), and the collective might of this nation is wasted. I believe this can be cured by bringing together the separate camps into a single location, to learn how their opposition thinks, and maybe, realize that we are all fighting for the same goal, though choosing different paths. I believe a POTUS does not earn the ability to command the various militas and militaries of this nation just by being elected. The POTUS unites the nation's militias and militaries by cooperation, information sharing, discussions and actively seeking their support (not expecting it blindly).

Idea 2. Public PDBs. The PDB is the Presidential Daily Briefing. This thread on the eUSforums is where much of the meat of the discussions and advice happens for Presidents (but odds are you do not have access to read it). I usually have PDB access, but the few months I haven't have made this a miserable game. Every day lots of events happen in the nation, and without PDB access, you miss much of it. I want to include my fellow Americans in the PDB experience. I believe this will help us all get on the same page, when we all have access to the same information. If I can, I will narrow my thread to Americans with citizenship in game, but if that is too much of a technological hurdle, I will open it for everyone. Every citizen will see how the government really works, and every military will understand the reasons on "how we got here" and what is the new "important" (have a say in what it is).

The foreign affairs of our nation just took a dramatic U-turn from where I expected it to go. We've been voted out of our alliance. Information is still coming out, so I won't pass judgment on who is to blame. But I will say that in general, I trust Molly Emma to tell us the truth, and I believe she has. So this makes my 3rd idea a little murkier than I had planned.

Idea 3. End our direct wars and support our allies through MPP battles (Sorry TP hunters). Over the coming days, we'll learn the implications of our removal from Sirius, but I do not expect any major danger. So does Sirius just have a problem with the POTUS and that will be resolved by a new President, or is there a deeper underlying problem? I will say this; I like the nations included in Sirius both strategically and traditionally. The way I see it, Serbia is our eternal enemy and we could never share a side in an alliance. Poland is the counter weight to Serbia in this game. When they are on the same side, their victory is unstoppable and the game isn't fun. So I believe that they must be kept apart, and thus we should stay on the side of Poland. Also Croatia is Broatia, nuff said. If we were still in Sirius, my goal would be to free Spain this month. Now that we are not, I'll have to re-evaluate my goal. A lot can happen in the next 5 days.

That’s my platform. I hope you are as excited as I am.
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

In the coming days I will form and announce my cabinet, and get another article or two out.

If I’m not in your party’s primary, then I’d like you to do what you can to get me in. Invite me to your party forums for Q&A.

Also this,
✯ ✯ ✯ Feel the AMPs! ✯ ✯ ✯
✯ ✯ ✯ Feel the AMPs! ✯ ✯ ✯
✯ ✯ ✯ Feel the AMPs! ✯ ✯ ✯
✯ ✯ ✯ Feel the AMPs! ✯ ✯ ✯
✯ ✯ ✯ Feel the AMPs! ✯ ✯ ✯