[LAP] Christmas and Congressmen

Day 2,225, 02:00 Published in USA USA by TellUrGrlThx

Its that time of the year again. Christmas is upon us and so are Congress elections and here at the Liberty Advancement Party we already have a great amount of gifts. We are willing to give out but they’re all for our members so join us on the forums and find out more. Now back to the real reason of this article. LAP’s elected Congressmen, we are all about new players and old players coming together and learning and this month’s list consists of exactly that.

1. Maxmillian VonWillebrand

2. Lothair Carloingian

3. Uncle Shylock

4. TellUrGrlThx

5. Nesterus

6. Arrden

7. rrrtttrrr

8. 2chainzz

9. Enkel

10. Flashback1

11. Walkeraccio

12. Skarbrandus

13. George Armstrong Custer

I’ll keep short and sweet. I won’t talk about all these guys and how awesome each and every one of them is but instead I’ll talk about them as a group. Every group has their weaknesses and their strengths but together they are stronger. This group represents what the LAP is about from new players, like rrrtttrrr, who want a chance to old timers, like Arrden, who have been around in politics. Together, these veterans and newcomers, will bring to Congress the active and progressive spirit of the Liberty Advancement Party.

you know you want to vote for her

LAP for Congress
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