[Interviu]blackpanther76:,,As fi vrut sa ajut mai mult decat am facut-o. ''

Day 2,033, 03:48 Published in Romania Romania by TheYakuzini

Salutare eRepublikani !

In acest interviu,protagonista este blackpanther76,mare tank,mare personalitate.Un interviu ce a durat 3 ore si s-a intins pana la 03:00 😉 , dar efortul a meritat fiindca am avut parte de un dialog foarte frumos impreuna cu o persoana extraordinara.Va las sa cititi interviul si va astept parerile/sugestiile lasand comentariu la articol . o/

-o7 blackpanther76, poti sa imi acorzi un interviu?
Sigur 🙂 !

-Spune-mi cateva lucruri despre persoana din spatele contului blackpanther76.
hmmm...varianta turbo: ma numesc Andreea,am 30 si ceva de ani,dar nici pe astia nu-i recunosc,lucrez pentru cea mai afurisita sefa ever (eu).Nu vreau sa ma autocaracterizez,nu vreau sa sperii lumea 😛 !

-Cum a fost eCopliaria ta in joc ?
Pentru mine a fost super faina....pentru ceilalti am fost cam enervanta.La 3 zile de la intrarea in joc eram pe capul Gryphonilor,apoi,ca sa aiba si ei o pauza de liniste,m-au trimis la GN Muntenia sub aripa lui aniujual.Am stat cred ca 2-3 saptamani,timp in care normal ca le-am scos peri albi.Tot ce imi doream era sa lupt,sa tankez,sa cresc mare. !

-Joci de ceva vreme ..cum vezi jocul dupa atat timp petrecut in el?
Total diferit de ce era mai demult.Jocul il fac oamenii,iar noile generatii sunt putin diferite de generatia mai veche Parca nu am vorbi aceeasi limba sau nu am fi pe aceeasi unda. Apoi...totul se invarte in jurul goldului.Ai gold, ok...nu ai...well..cumpara sau inarmeaza-te cu rabdare.Prea mult materialism

-Ce poti spune ca ai realizat in joc de cand ai contul si cu ce te poti lauda?
De laudat..hmm...am fost prima femeie GOV si o sa fiu prima femeie care face lvl 100
De realizat? nu stiu ce sa spun...nu prea imi place sa vorbesc despre mine sau realizarile mele,oricare ar fi alea.
Atat doar ca as fi vrut sa ajut mai mult decat am facut-o.

-Imi poti enumera 3 probleme mari cu care se confrunta eRomania acum ?
Sincer,nu prea...
Prea multe neintelegeri,prea multa vorbarie si putina actiune,lipsa unitatii...

-Crezi ca eRomania poate face un Baby-Boom (daca da il poate intretine) ?
Probabil ca da...la ambele raspunsuri. !

-Ai vreo solutie pentru un Baby-Boom?
Da...daca aduci oameni cu forta in joc,promitandu-le marea cu sarea
Nu am idei

-Cum vezi situatia actuala a eRomaniei?
Hai sa te mint frumos .Totul e perfect,mai perfect de atat nu se putea.eRomania are multe teritorii si o economie de invidiat.Are aliati puternici carora le pasa de soarta tarii. Politicienii sunt corecti si vor doar binele oamenilor.Se lucreaza in echipa,de la cel mai mic la cel mai mare.
Vorbeste te rog in soapta, nu vreau sa ma trezesc 😛

-Crezi ca eRomania va mai putea fi ce a fost odata?
Nu ! (explicatie: nici oamenii nu mai sunt ce au fost.Nu mai e aceeasi implicare)

-Care este cea mai frumoasa amintire,dar si cea mai urata din eRepublik?
Am multe amintiri frumoase...noptile pierdute tankand alaturi de prieteni,zilele petrecute cu dragii mei gryphonii,meetingurile...
Cea mai urata amintire? nu-mi place sa vorbesc despre asta...probabil cauza plecarii mele din eRo

-Ce parere ai despre modulul Politic,modulul Economic si modulul Media?
In modulul Media se vede o schimbare, asta datorita unor oameni carora le pasa Modulul Economic e jale , iar cel Politic nu ma intereseaza.

-Ce jucator/i ai dori sa il/ii vezi in real life?
Sunt multi pe care i-am intalnit deja la meetinguri dar sunt inca multi pe care as vrea foarte mult sa-i vad in RL...oboj,olmack,pe motanu' diuras,pe "acritura" ale54,pe toti cei care au lucrat cu mine in perioada mea ca CP....pe cei cu care am pirdut noptile tankand si multi multi altii daca as incepe sa-i enumar,ai adormii asteptand sa iti raspund

-Care a fost cel mai fun lucru pe care l-ai facut?
In RL am fost mereu un copil problema,mereu la fotbal,cu prastia in buzunarul de la spate si gata sa ma iau la bataie cu oricine mi-ar fi zis ca sunt fata si n-am voie sa ma joc.Vecinii de peste drum aveau la mansarda un gemulet mic,rotund...o provocare pentru abilitatile mele de tras cu prastia.Mereu il spargeam.Apoi s-au plictisit sa-l inlocuiasca.Acum 2 ani,fiind in vizita la ai mei,am vazut sclipind ceva la mansarda vecinilor.Era geamul meu preferat 😃 Asa ca din nostalgie,l-am spart din nou...cu prastia ce o am si acum 😃
In joc m-am distrat mai mult in lupte...sau cand aflam canalele de echipare a adversarilor si trimiteam lumea sa ceara echipare. Ce era si mai fun...ca si primeau 😃

-Un sfat pentru jucatorii mai mici?
In primul rand rabdare de fier Sa lase politica deoparte,macar pana cand au inteles suficient de bine mecanica jocului.
Dar pentru asta au nevoie de indrumare.
Asa ca le recomand sa-si faca stagiul la GN.
E locul de unde a pornit aproape fiecare tank

-Ce ai face tu pentru ca jocul sa devina mai interesant?
Jocul are nevoie de mai multa strategie. Un exemplu e V2-ul mie mi-a placut extrem de mult. Acum iti omori mouse-ul cu clikuri...la asta se rezuma totul.

-Poti face un top 5 al celor mai frumoase momente traite in eRepublik?
Sincer nu prea toate momentele au fost frumoase..in proportie de 99% Doar exemple..
Cand am devenit Gryphon,cand am luat prima medalie,cand am cucerit Maramuresul intr-un Rw fara sperante,doar cu ajutorul piticilor din GN si catorva super tancuri straine,cand am fost aleasa CP,cand am fost chemata si acceptata in Myrmidons....etc

-Intru putin in personal(daca nu te deranjeaza).Care este filmul/cartea/melodia preferata?
Filmul preferat...cred ca The notebook,dar depinde de dispozitie 😛
Cartea preferata...in general tot ceea ce inseamna carte imi place.Citesc...pardon,devorez toate genurile de carti.Mi-a placut foarte mult seria de carti scrisa de George R R Martin, Canteg de gheata si foc
In ceea ce priveste muzica...la fel,ascult multe genuri de muzica,clasica in special pian,rock...si urasc manelele.

-Care sunt cei mai buni strategi pe care ii are eRomania?Un top 10,asa cum crezi

Musashi,AC,Diuras,Bogdan_L..si multi alti

-Cand revii in eRo?Multa lume te asteapta inapoi.
Hmm...nu stiu.Sunt o fire incapatanata si orgolioasa,recunosc...si probabil din cauza asta nu o sa ma mai intorc 🙂
De fapt planuiesc sa plec din joc... Da.Nu mai e nimic nou,am obosit si dupa ce fac lvl 101 trec pe 2 cliker,cel putin o perioada...un fel de concediu 🙂

-Multumesc blackpanther76 pentru acest interviu.Sa ne auzim cu bine ! o69
Si eu iti multumesc 🙂 . Numai bine o/

Hello eRepublikans!

In this interview our guest is blackpanther76, big tank but also a great personality. An interview that took us 3 hours and we chatted until 3 am 😉 but it worth it because I had the chance to speak with an extraordinary person. I will let you read the interview and if you have suggestions please leave them in comment to this article. o/

-Will you agree to give me an interview?

-Tell me some things about the person behind blackpanther76’s account.
hmm.. turbo version: my name is Andreea, I have 30 and some years but not even those I recognize, I work for the most evil boss ever (me). I don’t want to speak too much about me, don’t want to scare people 😛

-How was your eChildhood?
For me it was awesome.. for others I was a little annoying. 3 days after I joined the game I was all over Gryphons head, then for them to have a little break they sent me to GN Muntenia where aniujual took me “under his wing”. I stayed there for 2-3 weeks, enough time to drive them crazy. All I wanted was to fight, to tank, to grow up.

-You play for so long..how you see the game after so much time in it?
It is totally different than it was at the beginning. The game is played by people and the new generations are a little different compared to the old one. It seems we don’t speak the same language or we are not on the same page. Then..everything evolves around gold. You have gold, ok..you don’t... well.. bu or be patient. Too much materialism.

-What can you tell me about your achievements in game and with what you can “brag” about?
To brag..hmm. I was the first woman GoW and I will be the first one that reaches lvl 100.
Achievements? I don’t know what to say.. I don’t particularly like to speak about me or my achievements, no matter which they are.
Just that I would had liked to help more than I did.

-Can you tell me 3 big problems that eRomania has now?
Honestly, not really...
Too many conflicts, too much talk and few action, lack of unity...

-Do you think eRomania can make a Baby-Boom (if yes can it be maintained)?
Probably yes.. to both questions.

-Do you have a solution for Baby-Boom?
Yes... get strong players ingame, promise them the moon.
I am joking.
No ideas.

-How do you see eRomania now?
Let me lie nicely to you. Everything is perfect, things could not have been “more perfect”. eRomania has many regions and an envied economy. eRomania has strong allies and they care about country. Politicians are fair and they care only about people’s welfare. Everyone is working as a team, from the strongest player until a newborn one.
Please whisper, I don’t want to wake up.😛

-Do you think eRomania will be what it was in the past?
No! (explanation: people changed. There is not the same amount of commitment anymore)

-What are the best and the worst memories from eRepublik?
I have many nice memories...lost nights tanking with friends, the days spent with my dear gryphons, the meetings...
The worst memory? I don’t like to talk about that..probably the reason I left eRo

-What do you think about Political, Economical and Media modules?
I see a change in the Media thanks to some people that care about it, Economical module is broken and the Political one I am not interested in.

-What players would you like to see in RL?
There are many players that I already met at the meetings, but are still some I would like very much to meet RL.. oboj, oldmack, “tomcat” diuras, “sour” ale54, all those who worked with me when I was CP..those with which I lost nights tanking and many many others, if I will start to count you will fall asleep waiting to answer you.

-What was the funnier thing you did?
I always was a problem kid in RL, always at football, with slingshot in my back pocket, ready to fight with whoever would had told me I am girl and I can’t play. My neighbour’s attic had a small window, round.. a challenge for my slingshot skills. I always broke it. then they got bored to replace it. 2 years ago, visiting my parents house, I saw something shining at neighbour’s attic. It was my favorite window 😃 For old time sake I broke it again.. with the slingshot I still have even now 😃
In game I had fun mostly during fights..or when I was finding the supply channels of enemies and I was sending people there. And what it was funnier... they were getting supplies 😃

-Any advice for young players?
Firstly they need to have iron patience. To ignore politics, at least until they have a good understanding for game mechanics.
For that they need guidance.
So I recommend them to join National Guard.
It is the place from which almost every tank started.

-What will you do to make game more interesting?
The game needs more strategy. For example I liked V2 very much. Now you just kill the mouse clicking..that is all.

-Can you make a top 5 of the best moments from eRepublik?
To be honest not all the moments were beautiful... 99% For example..when I become a Gryphon, when I gained my first medal, when we conquered Maramures in a hopeless Rw, just with GN kids and some super foreign tanks help, when I was elected CP, when Myrmidones called and accepted me..etc

-I want to speak about you a little (if you don’t mind). What are the favorite movie/book/music?
Favorite movie.. I think The notebokk, but depends on my mood 😛
Favorite book... generally I like everything related to books. I read..sorry, I devour all kind of books. I liked very much George R R Martin’s serie A song of Ice and Fire.
Regarding music.. same, I listed all kinds of music, classic especially piano, rock...and I hate manele.

-Who are the best strategist that eRomania has? A top 10 as you think, random.
Musashi, AC, Diuras, Bogdan_L.. and many more.

-When will you come back in eRo? Many people are waiting for your return.
Hmm.. I don’t know. I am a stubborn and vain person, I admit it..and probably because of this I will not come back.
Actually I plan to leave the game. Yes. There is nothing new, I am tired and after I reach 100th lvl I will be 2 clicker, at least for some time... a sort of vacation. 🙂

-Blackpanther76 thank you for this interview. All the best! o69
Thank you too. 🙂 All the best o/