[INTERNATIONAL] Write a story - Results

Day 3,634, 09:54 Published in Serbia Serbia by Hoffman12

Hello eWorld!

This is third article about international competition in which all players could participate.

We all have different medals or how are they here called - achievements. Some of them are old, others have been added recently. Some of them you can get easily, others are not so obtainable or are even impossible to get for average players. But it is nice when you receive every single one of them.

So your job was to write a story about your achievement (medal) that you like the most. I received ONLY ONE story fromTheTrendoReborn
and I believe that makes him the instant WINNER! He has written a story about his first Congress Member Medal. Congratulations! Main prize is 30G.

Shout text:
Plato Foundation
Write a story - win a prize