[FedPP] Security + Inclusion = Moving Forward

Day 3,712, 19:30 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Over the last week or so I have watched the SFP with some interest for a number of reasons. They are the second largest Party in the eUSA. Their members publish frequently and they were under threat of what they felt was a PTO. This last piqued my interest because once upon a time I was heavily involved in ATO efforts. As a Fed Party President I moved hundreds of members in order to secure other Parties in the top 5 and also in efforts to take the insurgent AFA away from Ajay Bruno. It also piqued my interest because of my years of experience with one Valiant Thor another infamous traitor in the annals of the eUSA.

So it was that I watched the election for Party President with interest. Twice over the last five years a top 5 Party has found itself at the mercy of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I was very much hoping we would not see a third. Frankly I was also interested in seeing how the members of the SFP would respond with their time honored traditions and sovereignty under fire. The results are in and they did well. Both in mobilizing their voters and in my view articulating their perspective and values via the media. I have said this before but congratulations to the SFP in securing your Party while simultaneously defending your values.

Shortly after the election I had a discord conversation with one of the leaders of the SFP. Over the course of that day and a few others semi anonymous profiles hopped onto discord with the sole mission to muddy up the channels they chose to join. I know they tried multiple times in the Fed channel and SFP channel. I also had an absolutely delightful conversation with this individual that I cannot share as doing so would result in forfeit points. This individual is severely afflicted with a condition I do not have the Education to diagnose but one I am certain requires medication and other treatments. I was not alone in this. Several other people including members of the SFP had similar experiences during this time frame.

I was discussing this with one of the aforementioned leaders of the SFP and we both basically said it had gotten to the point that we had to almost hold our breath when someone new joined our respective Party channels. We both lamented this. Our community in the eUSA is desperate for an infusion of fresh players and new talents. With everything in me I want to be open and welcoming to any and all players that choose to join the various ways we have set up to interact as a community. When someone chooses to masquerade as one of these players it damages the experience for not just the existing player base but players who have not yet even logged in. Really it is a shame and a tragedy, but it is absolutely true some people just want to watch the world burn.

As a result of this we have to balance caution and security with being open and welcoming. As I mentioned above I have twice seen a Top 5 Party betrayed from within. In 2013 The AMP was betrayed by their Party President Free Area. Instead of running the slate of candidates selected by the Party according to their rules and traditions he instead ran Ajay aligned PTO members. This effect was significantly blunted thanks to Max McFarland opening his wallet and offering substantial sums of cc for votes for anyone but the AMP that month. A little over a year later WTP was betrayed by their Party President Valiant Thor. He also selected a slew of Serbian PTO candidates for Congress in lieu of the Democratically selected list WTP expected to have run according to their rules and traditions.

In both of these instances the individuals in question were patient and worked to slowly earn trust until they were given the Party President in game buttons. Valiant Thor was unsuccessful due to the actions of his own Party they all left WTP in a mass exodus to rip their own Party out of the top 5 rendering his selections moot. While the effects to the nation as a whole were mitigated for both of these occurrences, it is my opinion that both Parties suffered a great deal of damage from these betrayals.

Every one of the top 5 Parties has some method of security they use to protect themselves from suffering internal PTOs. This is because each of our Parties has some sort of Meta structure that limits and controls the people elected within the Parties to positions that have ingame buttons. It is a digital contract if you will. Members of the Federalist Party for example that are elected to Congress are asked to agree before hand to honor the immigration laws our nation has put in place to prevent another external invasion of PTO operatives. Those who do not honor their agreement are not selected to run for Congress again. Similarly Party Presidents agree to not run blacklisted individuals for Congress and honor the results of Primaries conducted to determine who we will endorse for President of the eUSA.

While such things are necessary; we cannot allow ourselves to become paranoid huddled together in the safety of our offsite forums and discord while our community withers and shrinks are around us due to fear/apathy induced neglect. As our numbers shrink we must take chances (without Compromising our security and integrity) to keep things running.

In April of 2013 I was a new return to eRepublik. I had been gone for a little over three years. We were still very much in the midst of fighting to hold back the Ajay insurgency. Yet I was welcomed into the Feds with open arms. No doubt they did their due diligence in checking my history, but they did not hold me at arms length. That is what we must continue to do. We have to take some risks. Especially now in the Federalist Party. If we want to restore regular working order we must give new players a chance. I have messaged the Party and shouted on our Party wall incessantly. I am pleased to say we have had an encouraging response. Over the last two days we have had 7 new profiles join our Party forums.

This is a win for me. The forums are where we hold our Primaries, sign up for congress, nominate candidates for Party President, and so much more. I want the members of our Party to have access to the very place that determines the Leadership and direction of their Party. As such I have offered up an incentive: create a profile on the Federalist Party Forums post a thread in the introductions section asking for Fed access and I will give you 750cc. Now I hate when companies only have the sweet deals for new people so I am expanding that to any and all Feds if you have a profile on the forums post in introductions and I will give you 750 cc. If you have political goals for yourself in this game your path will be greatly helped by access and participation in the off-site areas available to you. Which reminds me Fed Discord can be found here.

Taking chances can be scary. In life when you open yourself up to new opportunities, new relationships, and new experiences you expand the possibility for failure, heartache, and disappointment. However, if you don’t then you can go through life never experiencing all that this world has to offer. More than a decade ago my best friend was dating a young woman named Trisha. He loved her so very much. She seemingly had it all she was beautiful, kind, smart, funny, and just an all around great person. She however had one fatal flaw: she was for whatever reason terrified of commitment. Things would go really well with them, and then out of the blue when discussing marriage, buying a home, and children down the road she would just sort of lock up and pull away. For two years he patiently helped her work through these moments of trepidation. All the while he was thinking sooner or later she would get past this. It was obvious she loved him just as much as he loved her.

Until one day she had yet another eruption of fear/anxiety. Instead of talking her out of it he allowed it to happen. He kissed her one last time, wished her happiness, and said goodbye. I was friends with both of them so I saw they were both devastated. Eventually he picked up the pieces, got married, and is now a proud father. She however never seriously dated anyone else ever again. She lives with her parents and often remarks that she let fear cost her the love of her life. Tragic really.

Having seen what happens when you place your trust in the hands of some of the bad actors that unfortunately call the eUSA I can understand fear of change. However, I think we have reached a tipping point in our community: get busy living or get busy dying. I am a fan of the meta community we have built here in our MUs, Parties, and the eUSA as a whole. It’s not perfect by any means but it does have the ability to provide so much more depth to this game than what Plato has offered us. I wish to see our community thrive. For that to happen a new generation of leaders needs to be found and empowered. This can only be achieved through trusting those who have given no reason to be distrusted. We cannot compromise our values while we are going through growing pains,every precaution will be taken, but even so It may open us up to undesirable consequences. That said what is the alternative?

As a closing thought I would like to highlight the first edition of Fed Media in some time. It was pblished by Mark Matters a recent return to eRepublik. He is eager to make an impact. I thank him for his contribution towards getting the gears of the Party humming along once again.

In the coming days we will be reviving No Fed Left Behind. So please watch out for that. It is a daily free supply drop of food and weapons for Feds. I am also looking for someone to host and or create games for the forums and Discord. For those looking to be involved the opportunities are everywhere. If you are interested please contact me and tell me where your interests/talents lie. As always I thank you for taking the time to read. Until next time.