[FAR Bravo] NewWorldDays 1319 Stats

Day 1,320, 00:10 Published in Romania Romania by FAR Delta

Here we have Far Bravo’s stats for day 1319

First lets congratulate some of our worthy soldiers :

>>>> Congratulations for Level Up to:::

>> Alex Dima for New LVL 27 >> undomiel for New LVL 26 >> istode stefan for New LVL 25 >> Myhnea for New LVL 25

>>>>Congratulations for New Rank to:::

>>Myhnea for reaching Lt Colonel >>scorp_22 for reaching Commander

>>>>Congratulations for achieving new medals to:::

>>Costicachivoi >>marneth
>>Stefan Popa


1. stefanzor > Rank: General**, Strength: 4330,79 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 2128,86 ( +4,28 )
2. nick91 > Rank: General, Strength: 3868,23 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1835,34 ( +2,8 )
3. JORSSEN > Rank: Colonel, Strength: 3093,01 ( +7,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1362,27 ( +2,92 )
4. marneth > Rank: Colonel**, Strength: 2739,26 ( +7,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1287,10 ( +3,08 )
5. Alex Dima > Rank: Colonel*, Strength: 2780,84 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 1272,34 ( +3,6 )
6. Sorin Morariu > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2810,10 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1219,84 ( +2,47 )
7. Bierca Muss > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2591,78 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1136,88 ( +2,47 )
8. Cristian Voda > Rank: Colonel*, Strength: 2399,37 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1119,75 ( +2,6 )
9. Blaze4Reiko > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2420,89 ( +7,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1071,94 ( +2,85 )
10. Gica Contra > Rank: Colonel, Strength: 2333,91 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1066,22 ( +2,53 )
11. hbogdan > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2368,18 ( +8,5 ), DMG/HIT: 1051,91 ( +3,23 )
12. Georgianknight > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2345,60 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 1043,33 ( +0 )
13. dark-nk > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2232,10 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 1000,20 ( +2,66 )
14. orlando.chifu > Rank: Colonel*, Strength: 2058,5 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 983,40 ( +3,8 )
15. s474n > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2171,08 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 977,01 ( +3,42 )
16. Robert Toth > Rank: Lt Colonel**, Strength: 2157,64 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 946,33 ( +2,59 )
17. Cetateanu' turmentat > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 1984,85 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 906,24 ( +3,61 )
18. madseth > Rank: Lt Colonel**, Strength: 1932,46 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 863,01 ( +2,59 )
19. undomiel > Rank: Lt Colonel**, Strength: 1924,85 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 860,19 ( +2,4 )
20. allexx3300 > Rank: Lt Colonel*, Strength: 1971,84 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 853,86 ( +2,34 )
21. Moshu Novac > Rank: Lt Colonel**, Strength: 1855,5 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 834,54 ( +3,52 )
22. Liviu Cristea > Rank: Lt Colonel*, Strength: 1855,0 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 811,80 ( +0 )
23. borsh90 > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 1661,0 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 783,18 ( +3,61 )
24. Stefan Popa > Rank: Lt Colonel*, Strength: 1753,0 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 775,08 ( +2,34 )
25. Zapad2 > Rank: Commander***, Strength: 1855,45 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 766,85 ( +0 )
26. Ciscos > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 1568,43 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 748,00 ( +3,61 )
27. elbandido > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 1545,0 ( +17 ), DMG/HIT: 739,10 ( +6,46 )
28. Fish Andrei > Rank: Lt Colonel, Strength: 1686,14 ( +7,5 ), DMG/HIT: 730,15 ( +2,63 )
29. meleaca > Rank: Commander***, Strength: 1721,44 ( +5,5 ), DMG/HIT: 721,29 ( +1,87 )
30. Sabin Iotic > Rank: Commander***, Strength: 1621,0 ( +8,5 ), DMG/HIT: 687,14 ( +2,89 )
31. DodIonut93 > Rank: Lt Colonel, Strength: 1460,5 ( +8,5 ), DMG/HIT: 651,18 ( +2,98 )
32. Dayanna > Rank: Major**, Strength: 1789,0 ( +8,5 ), DMG/HIT: 634,81 ( +2,47 )
33. istode stefan > Rank: Lt Colonel, Strength: 1365,74 ( +8,5 ), DMG/HIT: 618,01 ( +2,98 )
34. sNapv13 > Rank: Commander***, Strength: 1415,0 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 617,10 ( +3,23 )
35. Myhnea > Rank: Lt Colonel, Strength: 1278,0 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 587,30 ( +18,99 )
36. Adjud > Rank: Commander**, Strength: 1309,0 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 563,97 ( +2,15 )
37. eQ > Rank: Lt Colonel*, Strength: 1157,14 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 560,57 ( +3,24 )
38. Stefan Favu > Rank: Lt Colonel, Strength: 1194,5 ( +9,5 ), DMG/HIT: 558,08 ( +3,33 )
39. FLV MHL > Rank: Commander***, Strength: 1211,5 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 547,91 ( +3,06 )
40. Costicachivoi > Rank: Commander, Strength: 899,5 ( +38,5 ), DMG/HIT: 402,84 ( +11,93 )
41. mslliviu > Rank: Commander*, Strength: 833,5 ( +7,5 ), DMG/HIT: 394,72 ( +2,4 )
42. Knives&Co > Rank: Commander*, Strength: 822,64 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 391,24 ( +2,24 )
43. scorp_22 > Rank: Commander, Strength: 712,64 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 344,92 ( +13,08 )
44. wowotzange > Rank: Commander, Strength: 700,0 ( +7,5 ), DMG/HIT: 341,00 ( +2,32 )
45. Condrea Andrei > Rank: Commander, Strength: 696,5 ( +8,5 ), DMG/HIT: 339,92 ( +2,64 )
46. Libra Ticu > Rank: Commander*, Strength: 616,81 ( +8,5 ), DMG/HIT: 325,38 ( +2,72 )
47. wazzu77 > Rank: Major**, Strength: 714,0 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 323,06 ( +2,03 )
48. Naqash > Rank: Commander, Strength: 585,5 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 305,50 ( +0 )
49. sekemey > Rank: Captain**, Strength: 366,0 ( +6,5 ), DMG/HIT: 191,50 ( +1,62 )
50. dundika35 > Rank: Private**, Strength: 37,0 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 39,33 ( +0 )

>> Influence represents Rank Points multiplied by 10

1. stefanzor > Rank: General**, + Exp: 192, + Influence: 213720
2. JORSSEN > Rank: Colonel, + Exp: 182, + Influence: 197880
3. orlando.chifu > Rank: Colonel*, + Exp: 155, + Influence: 142750
4. elbandido > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 208, + Influence: 130730
5. borsh90 > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 191, + Influence: 123830
6. hbogdan > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 161, + Influence: 123790
7. Cristian Voda > Rank: Colonel*, + Exp: 146, + Influence: 121690
8. Gica Contra > Rank: Colonel, + Exp: 114, + Influence: 111760
9. Alex Dima > Rank: Colonel*, + Exp: 143, + Influence: 97160
10. Myhnea > Rank: Lt Colonel, + Exp: 135, + Influence: 66580
11. Ciscos > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 173, + Influence: 65600
12. Sorin Morariu > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 88, + Influence: 62670
13. s474n > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 115, + Influence: 61440
14. Adjud > Rank: Commander**, + Exp: 188, + Influence: 59950
15. Blaze4Reiko > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 98, + Influence: 58830
16. Stefan Popa > Rank: Lt Colonel*, + Exp: 146, + Influence: 58300
17. Cetateanu' turmentat > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 126, + Influence: 56950
18. Bierca Muss > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 65, + Influence: 48320
19. istode stefan > Rank: Lt Colonel, + Exp: 115, + Influence: 40630
20. undomiel > Rank: Lt Colonel**, + Exp: 61, + Influence: 36120
21. dark-nk > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 55, + Influence: 35000
22. Stefan Favu > Rank: Lt Colonel, + Exp: 107, + Influence: 34420
23. Moshu Novac > Rank: Lt Colonel**, + Exp: 62, + Influence: 34150
24. Robert Toth > Rank: Lt Colonel**, + Exp: 56, + Influence: 31630
25. Georgianknight > Rank: Lt Colonel***, + Exp: 67, + Influence: 27560
26. mslliviu > Rank: Commander*, + Exp: 124, + Influence: 24490
27. Fish Andrei > Rank: Lt Colonel, + Exp: 53, + Influence: 23360
28. wowotzange > Rank: Commander, + Exp: 93, + Influence: 22270
29. meleaca > Rank: Commander***, + Exp: 64, + Influence: 21600
30. sNapv13 > Rank: Commander***, + Exp: 57, + Influence: 20930
31. eQ > Rank: Lt Colonel*, + Exp: 46, + Influence: 20720
32. Costicachivoi > Rank: Commander, + Exp: 68, + Influence: 20700
33. DodIonut93 > Rank: Lt Colonel, + Exp: 52, + Influence: 20150
34. Libra Ticu > Rank: Commander*, + Exp: 74, + Influence: 19130
35. Condrea Andrei > Rank: Commander, + Exp: 115, + Influence: 18010
36. madseth > Rank: Lt Colonel**, + Exp: 46, + Influence: 16370
37. scorp_22 > Rank: Commander, + Exp: 76, + Influence: 15160
38. FLV MHL > Rank: Commander***, + Exp: 50, + Influence: 14710
39. wazzu77 > Rank: Major**, + Exp: 62, + Influence: 8160
40. Knives&Co > Rank: Commander*, + Exp: 38, + Influence: 6430
41. sekemey > Rank: Captain**, + Exp: 36, + Influence: 3530

We had 41/50 (82,00😵 active fighters, who made 2317180 Influence, and collected 4203 Experience Points. Our members have a total strength of 86801,71

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