[eUSA] The World Around You

Day 1,912, 22:18 Published in USA USA by USMarine Corps

I want to start off with special thanks to Candor, who made me really think about what we're doing here in eUSA.
I have realized that we have bigger problems than ourselves, and we need to solve the issues among us. If this keeps up, we will fall apart. As you've seen Operation Gangnom Style wasn't exactly a huge success. We barely won. To solve this, we need to get rid of PTOs like AFA. Well, that's not going to happen overnight. Its not like in a month AFA is going to disappear. We need to convince lots of their members their doing the wrong thing for eUSA. Not all 700+ of them are loyal PTOs. If we can make a hundred leave, more will consider what their doing. The other option, is that unity goes around accusing random people of being AFA spies. Is that what you want? Your loyal party members to be randomly accused of multing or being a AFA spy or something and get banned for NOTHING. No. That's not what we want. Unity is NOT the answer. We need to convince AFA that their doing the wrong thing. I'm not saying, oh, PM RGR and tell him he's doing the wrong thing. I'm talking about the newer members, or ones who aren't so sure about AFA. We are NOT going to convince them all, but at least some. More will follow.

More than that, what are we doing right now to stop AFA? We are doing some, like preventing RGR from becoming president and keeping congress numbers down for AFA, and we are writing articles. That's a GREAT early to tell them, your wrong. Quit AFA. But beside that, what else are we doing? Creating groups like Unity that accuse everyone of being a spy. Well that plan certainly backfired. Unity was a fail. We are doing a great start, and I can list other things, like in the message when you join it says don't join AFA(by the way, it still US signed by fingerguns), but how are we going to destroy AFA???

Oh yah, and if you are new to the game, DON'T join AFA. We don't need more PTO ers. Certainly not, we need to destroy AFA, and soon, because as some of you know, and mentioned in the article, who we elect is important (by ligtreb), AFAs prevented us from having a boost by declaring Taiwan our natural enemy. That's why AFA needs to go. And many more reasons.

Keep writing against AFA!!!

Special Thanks to:
Candor, wingfield, ligtreb, fingerguns, and our current president John Killah

- USMarine Corps

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