[Don] Rise of the War Tribe

Day 3,964, 08:27 Published in Ireland Croatia by Khutawyra101

Hello Eire!

Recent weeks, even months has been extremely intense in eWorld’s geopolitics. After years of Asteria rule something has drastically changed and eWorld became much more balanced than it was before. Did Asteria get complacent or did Anti Asteria grew enough to pary their counterside after so many failed attempts? I’d say it’s combination of both, it always is. We’ve seen countries such as Croatia in the first place, but also Greece and Turkey grow fastly in the damage numbers, firepower and amount of packers (people who own packs).

It all started with Croatian growth few months ago, before the recent Plato’s updates has been introduced and it has changed the way this game works.


Croatia has been a country no one played for only a year ago. After big boycot many players has sworn to never come back. However, addiction for this game is sometimes stronger than addiction to many illegal drugs. Once few strong characters started a project to return the Croats back was when revolution started to get its shapes. In only few months Croatia has grown from old and spent empire to the potential giant killer. They’ve adopted the changes in this game, realized that without heavy spending it would be hard to compete with rivals such as Romania and Serbia. So it started. Few individuals has bought packs for over 130 people 8 months in a row. The effect was Croatia having the biggest amount of packers in eWorld for 8 months in a row, until few days ago.

After several months Croatia is no longer a country with bigger amount of packers

It meant the country is ready for bigger steps. Croatia had strong D4 tanks, but they were all weak in lower divisions. With massive pack buying actions Maverick has became the most wanted one of them. They focused on winning lower divisions instead of pushing D4 all of the time. And it worked. The country has been rising in numbers, in firepower and afterall in internal organization too. After few months of adopting to the game again the community has been ready for big wars. And that’s when USA has started the biggest of all revolutions I’ve been a witness of in this game. USA airstriked Croatia, Croatia fought back, took the war to the US regions and got followed by half of the world. Soon USA found themselves wiped for months and Croatia got themselves a nice incomes from USA taxes. They were ready to proceed.


After the first success Croatia couldn’t stop so they ended on the special mission to destroy Pacifica. It was a surprise that Asteria didn’t do anything to defend Pacifica since most of Pacifica members considered Asteria as their friends. For months they’ve been enjoying farmville, bonuses and incomes with nothing to back that up. Croatia detected weakness there and started ridiculous amount of attacks. Asteria still didn’t move.

And that’s when its started. Croatia attacked China, Asteria member. In the meantime countries such as Greece and Turkey has started their own growth while Croatians has been leading example that it is possible to win even if you’re not Asteria. It kinda gave every Anti Asteria country motive to do that in their own homes. China was saved by Asteria eventually, with Serbia and Romania taking Chinese regions instead of Croats doing the same.

Croats then decided there will be no peace. Together with Cyprus and South Korea they’ve attacked biggest proAsteria country in Pacifica, Poland and destroyed them and their incomes by taking their German bonuses too. It was then when Asteria, or to be more precise Romania has jumped in again. Croatia backed off and went to Czech Republic. Serbia came over there and kicked them out. Croats got addicted to wars, it was impossible to stop so they ran into Iran starting a full scale war against both Pacifica and Asteria. In a weird set of events USA kinda switched side after changing their leadership and joined Anti Asteria side while Russia has decided to stay aside considering their good relations with Croats.


Croatia attempted to attack Iran earlier through China so Iran has decided to join the war and then Croats attacked them again, this time in their original regions, gave them few strong punches and backed off when bigger countries of Asteria arrived. At that point many believed that’s the end of the big wars, but it was only the start of them.

It all culminated when Bulgaria has decided to propose Egypt as their natural enemy. Spain followed them by proposing the NE on Egypt as well.

After many years of being inactive and unready to react Anti Asteria side has launched a MASSIVE attack on Bulgaria with many countries involved. Not all the laws went through but Chilean, Croatian and American did. In one of the biggest battles in recent times Croatia has defeated Bulgarians and they’re now on the way to kick them out of USA. Ireland was heavily involved in that battle by making over 13 billions for Croatia, more than any Asterian country did for Bulgaria. Chile has successfully landed in the northern part of USA, Croatia took several Bulgarian regions and USA successfully RW’d their regions while taking more Bulgarian regions through direct battles.

*An area which used to be under Bulgarian rule, now split between Croatia, Chile, USA and...Serbia

Finally, Serbia has decided to propose NE on Croatia to help Bulgarians in the northern USA regions. It seems that Bulgaria will be removed from USA which will give Americans much more breeding space in the future wars they will have to lead. It seems that Croatia has turned their eyes on kicking another Asterian country out of USA as NE on Lithuania has been proposed. It will be interesting to see how the war in USA is going to end, but with Colin Lantrip returning to USA anything is possible, even the things which seemed impossible recently.

Even if Croatia kicks Lithuania out of USA Americans will still have a hard job since Romania and Serbia are still on their borders and recently in the original regions as well. However, anything is possible. I find it funny that USA started all of this by attacking Croatia and now I'm writing about Croatia helping the USA. I'm very glad because of it, I was always saying USA is a great country led by wrong people. It seems that has finally changed.


As I already mentioned it’s been a long time since we had so much fun around the globe. Regardless of so many TW’s we’re watching incredible battles and I have a feeling everything is still in its early phase. Countries has been making big decisions in the recent months, even years. Those who sided with Asteria has been attacked and wiped while Asteria has been mostly watching from a side, except when it came to their official members. Romanian entrance to Poland and Iran as well as Serbian entrance to American playground might change things.

*Massive changes in Top 10 countries by firepower..

Bulgaria has been proAsteria for a long time, yet they haven’t really been supported. Also, it’s been very entertaining to watch Egypt and Cyprus engaging directly against Poland and Bulgaria. Albania has been supporting all the operations with massive CO’s and other smaller countries such as Ireland, Venezuela, Uruguay and others who kept on Anti Asteria side for all this time did a massive damage against Poland and Bulgaria.

Having USA on Anti Asteria side will be another drop of rain hitting Asterian umbrella. All the decisions being made in past and present will have much bigger consequences in the future battles. I have to say again, regardless of Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Albania, Chile and other big Anti Asteria countries having their fun against Asteria it’s incredibly miraculous that so many small countries managed to stay on Anti Asteria side and kept their unconditional support to the Anti Asterian movement. It’s much harder for smaller ones to do so.

Let's see what happens next.

Also, I've tried to gather all the events, wars, consequences and important decision in one article, so had to simplify it as much as I can. Would love to write about event by event, but since my inactivity in last couple of weeks this is the only way to cover all of it. Pardon me for that.

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