[DOE] True Patriot - Mission Accomplished

Day 1,603, 14:53 Published in South Africa Brazil by sikor3k

Hi everyone!
As some of you know, I became Director of Education.
This is my first article, but dont worry it's not my last.
I will try to publish articles which would help the youngest players to know this game better and have more fun of it.
So fell free to comment under this article with your suggestions.
What you want me to describe. What I should start from, economy module, fighting module or whatever you want. Thats my job to help you!.

So let's start!

As some of you noticed, eSouth Africa hasn't got any Natural Enemy.
Now it's going to change! And it's important for youngest players, now you will be able to finish your "True Patriot" mission.

True Patriot

The time has come! Face your biggest opponent and help your country prevail.

Have 20 Weapons
Defeat 30 enemies in a war against your Natural enemy.

Check who is your Natural Enemy in the Country Military Stats page then fight in a battle against it.


+50 Strength points
+2500 Rank Points

Now I will describe you in few steps, what you have to do to finish this mission!

Step 1
Be Locatated in eSouth Africa

If you are not sure where are you, you can check it by clicking on your profile and check what is written in Location.
If you are located in South Africa go to Step 2, but if you aren't, use:
LINK and choose South Africa as your destination!

Step 2
Wait for the battle!

At the moment our congress is voting a law proposing Brazil as natural enemy.

The law would be accpted about 14:00 South Aafrican time( 5:00 eRepublik time). After accepting it, our President give order to attack brazilian region. When batlle is started you will see it on your main page ( It will be probably set as Campaign of The Day)

Step 3

When war begins, all( almost all ;P ) you need to do is: FIGHT.
You have to kill 30 opponents in this war. You Probably wont be able to do it at once. But dont worry, war will be active for few days, so you will get enough time to make 30 kills

Step 4
Getting Weapons

As i said before, killing is almost all you need to do. After killing 30 opponents, you will have to get 20 weapons. It doesnt depend of weapon quality, so the best way is going to marketplace and buying 20 Weapon q1.

When you do it all..Enjoy your Rewards !!

Director of Education, sikor3k