[CPE] 60 Days of War [Part 2/4][GRK]

Day 663, 09:35 Published in Greece USA by Groot of Cascadia

Like the tittle says, the New World of eRepublik is currently at war. 60 days of war to be exact. Fews weeks ago, many players tought the war was almost over with USA down to one State(Florida) and many countries were wiped off the map (Canada, Spain, North Korea and Switzerland). Three of the biggests alliances are actives in this war, PEACE GC on one side and EDEN/Fortis on the other side. So, for all the citizens who joined the eWorld in last ~~ 40, 30 days, the situation must be really weird and confusing( I started in Quebec, France.. WTF???). Regions and Territories of North America occupied by Russia, Hungary, Portugal and now, even Colombia(Huns/Indo puppies) wants a part of the cookies! This article is a recaps of all what happended since the beginning of the war in details. Ill explain the situation of each country involve, on military and political scene. Everyday, Ill publish an article on a different EDEN/FORTIS country, starting with Canada, followed by USA, Spain and finally, the Allies (Greece, Romania and Croatia).

Due to ISP problems, I had to wait before releasing the part 2 of my History Class article. Finally, my internet is back so here it is. With the first part, i received over 130 votes and 40 new suscriber. So if you appreciated the reading, remember to vote and suscribe 😃

The Part II:

The part II of the 60 Days of War is repacpitulating the USA history since the begening of the World War 3. Many things happended during those 2 months.. USA down to 1 State.. America strike back!. The last 2 days brought many new devellopements. Emerick resigns from Presidency of US. Gaius Julius is now the temporary Us president. I tried to push mu research further with more precise informations. The USA article with be split in 2 parts since it haves too much stuff to write on. So, here the DownFall of America 😃

United States Of America: The downfall

Alliance: Fortis
President: Harrison Richardson, Emerick, Gaius Julius

On day One, the first attack on USA came to Alaska from Russia. This attack was the first attack to come to US north america soil. After a fierce comeback U.S. forces managed to secure the region of Alaska with the wall just about 17k above no mans land at battles end. On day 5 , at the second try, Russia won in Alaska and launched a new attack on Washington. With a win in Washington Russia continue the offensive with a fights in Montana, Oregon and Utah. On day 9, things were looking good in Oregon, Utah, and Montana. Utah was iffy for a while but it seemed liked Oregon would for sure be in U.S. control. Unfortunately the battles in Oregon and Utah ended very early in the morning for North American players and PEACE was able to win both, they later made a huge victory in Montana which ended in the early afternoon for North American players. The next PEACE targets were Nevada and Wyoming and later that day, South Dakota, witch was important due to boarder with Canada. On day 10, E/F military tried to find new way to block PEACE offensive by openning new war front in Europe and Asia. So Spain and North Korea enter the war by attacking France and Russia in their homeland. The stategy worked well since Spain and North Korea were able t Block both France and Russia, giving USA and Canada the initiative in North America. on day 12, Portugal and Indonisia entered the dance by launching attacks on Georgia and Hawaii, witch were both victorious.

Despite gaining a border with one of the most important regions in the American west Indonesia held off on an attack on California, most likely to give them time to regroup and help on other fronts. A few hours later Georgia fell to Portugal who had long been waiting to get in on the action. In an effort to prevent the U.S. from going on the offensive again Russia launched an attack into Colorado since they had things settled on their home front. On day 14, Colorado felt into Russia control. Indonesia launched attack on California, the third most populated region of USA, and economical capitale. Russia attacked Kansas, a Q5 hospital region and Portugal continue the offensive by launching attack on Tennesse. The next day, USA failed to protect Califonia from Indo. invasion. That was a big losse for E/F. With Kansas under fire from Russia, USA was most likely losing one of the 3 Q5 hospital the had. Little vicory for USA, South Carolina was secured from Portugal attack.

On day 16, america woke up with for new states under attack. Indonesia was marching east wtih an attack on Arizona and New Mexico, bringing them close to Texas, another vital state for US economy. Kentucky felt to Portugal while Minnesota battle was won by the Russian army. On day 18 USA military maneged to secure 2 regions. Wyoming was protected from Russian and for the second time, South Carolina was secured against Portugal. Indonesia was now heading to Oklahoma, most likely preparing to take Texas soon.

There was a great deal of confusion surrounding the battle in New Mexico as Indonesia attacked once and then retreated only to attack again a few hours later, the president of the U.S. was under the impression that they would have to wait 24 hours to attack New Mexico again. Harrison Richardson then contacted the admins about the issue and they said that they would nullify the battle however PEACE still won the battle and was able to use New Mexico as a spring board to Oklahoma.

On day 19, Eugene Harlot, Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, step down and announced his resignation from his post and from the game. This was a hard hit on Americain deffensives efforts. With Russia victory in Kansas, and Portugal in Kentucky, The USA troops morale was very low. Portugal was aiming Washington D.C., the American capital. With Ontario falling in French hands, New Jersey and Florida were the only 2 Q5 hospital left in America. Indonisia victory in Oklahoma was another important defeat for USA, who was expecting Indo to launch against Texas in few days.

On day 20, America was able to secured three region form invaders, Oregon, West Virginia, and Iowa. But America was also in trouble economically, the recent stops had boost morale however with the fall of Kansas, America had lost its last high grain region meaning that if we are to get enough grain we would have to have it imported and because of this the cost of grain and food would start to rise over the next few days. On day 21, USA won all defensives battle and with the Indonesian president banned for 24 hours, PEACE(Indo) havent been able to win attacks on Arkansas(that would have cut Texas off the rest of USA). The decided to go for Oregon instead, and block all counter attack againts California. The next day, Portugal won the battle in West Virgina, and immediatly lauched against Distict of Colombia.

Despite repelling PEACE in the U.S. over the past few days, PEACE made four victories on day 23 and didn'T appear to be slowing down. The Americans losse the regions of Nebraska, Oregon, and Washington D.C.. While Nebraska and Oregon weren't that important, the loss of D.C. came had a huge morale killer and it opens up the northeast to a PEACE attacks. Indonesia finally launching attacks on Texas. Texas was the most important region on the American front since it had a Q4 hospital, a Q5 DS, high oil, a large amount of companies, and a population of over 1,000. With Indonesia pooring golds in tanking, even with a high wall, region were never safe.

On day 26, Emerick was elected new USA President. But the war was still raging all over the world. PEACE oppened 3 new fronts, Missouri, Alabama, and Mississippi. USA however managed to secured few regions. New Jersey was now the main goal of Russian goverment. With New Jersey falling, USA would relie only on Florida as Fortress state.

The day 29 begin with the Spain lossing 16.000 gold to Hungary. The Indonesia campain in America was stop rigth now and could only continue with region swap with allies. Many boarder fix came mess up americain strategy and allowed Russia to attack Pennsylvania and Ohio. On day 33 Pennsilvanya and Ohia were both lost to Russia. This last one now had a border with high population regions, New York and New Jersey. USA was now down to 10 states. the Next day, Georgia felt into Portugal hands and Russia launched on New -York. The President Emerick proposed a Peace treaty to Indonesia, Portugal and Russia( witch was voted 15-7 in congress). Russia finally decline the peace proposal and launched attack on Vermont. Attacks from Portugal and Indonesia stoped.

On day 36 Russia continue the offensive taking worthless region of Connectiuct., Rhode Island and Maryland. Both Portugal and Indonesia agreed on Peace proposal from Emerick. USA was now down to 6 states. The Russia attacked New Jersey on Day 38 and finally won it the next day. USA was now in deep shit !(with Spain erased aswell by French). The next day were really quiet in America.. beside Russia keeping on fights with small regions(Massachusetts, New hampshire and Maine). Most of americains citizens were now relocated in Florida, the last forteress stated. The state wall was now above 1 million points. The speculations were about when PEACE would launch the final assault. If they did and won, That would have close all the wars of USA but many peoples tought they would only let Florida and watch economy collaspe by itself.

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That was the first part of two of the USA war since the last 2 months. Tomorow, the articles with be about the reborn and strike back of America against the PEACE Gc oppression. Hope you enjoyed your reading and check for tomorow article for the suite.

Thank you and please, Vote it up and suscribe 🙂

Samuel Brouillette
Canuck's Poney Express