[CP] Tip of the Hat

Day 2,487, 10:32 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke


Sometimes it is disappointing when a rainy day pours on your big plans, but hey that is a part of life that you can’t control, and you just have to go with the flow. But there are a lot of things we can do every day to make little changes to ourselves and others. Often a little thought and generosity can go a long way. So it is disappointing to see an act in this game that directly attacks a part of our community, something which is really the only reason so many people here play this game.

An AirStrike on the USA on a day where we all mourn the savage and unnecessary loss of lives, from where ever you may live. The events that occurred on this day, is a stark reminder that there is very much an evil out there, and in order to move forward, to progress and build a better society without fear of attacks, involves unity in communities all across the world.

I am a real life Canadian, and am fortunate enough to travel lots for work. My times spent all across Canada, USA, Mexico, and Chile, shows one simple thing. Regardless of your skin, age, financial situation, hometown or a million other differences, we are all still so very much alike. Family, friends, food, water, wifi, shelter, security, and the ability to live freely.

I see that the USA is doing well on most fronts, so I ask those of you who can be mobile, fight in New York to show our southern brothers some solidarity today.

A tip of the hat, from the frozen north
