[CP] The Way She Goes

Day 2,484, 16:14 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke


Well now that we gots that over with, I would like to thank you all for your support in the recent election. Although Homer bought massive amounts of votes in exchange for moustache rides, we were still able to come out on top, of that ride…

So here are a few things that we will be working on, and already have going that you can look forward too!

- Ministry of Health – Folphjorg has put out some solid articles already, and if you younger players haven’t already checked it out, get 500 free Energy daily here:

- I will be pushing Congress and our Speaker to get the recent Training Grounds Upgrade Act into gear so our young players can become beef castles sooner!

- This terms budget should be released soon and be ready for Congressional approval

- Do you have gold? Tired of selling it for dirt? Contact Bryan Alexander for better prices

- Lastly, do you have your Passport ready? Cause it is time to get some food ready! Donate Here and watch for other Tanks/CC drives!

Tis all for now, so stay tuned and stay safe, body break! Also if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me or our team personally!
