Day 3,403, 03:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Kraic is a kinetically-Regulated Automated Input Crystallizer Craic is well ...perhaps the great rusty can enlighten us what craic is.

Now recently a you are peasants article came out. And for a few potatoes this is what rusty expected

Now to my surprise a mostly inactive player joined in this chorus of free gifts for the poor and destitute. Why did he ask is Krakken dictator

to which we answer : Careful the dictatorship module was introduced last year. Up to the introduction of the Junta (the military group of which I was a part of)we had a dictator.

Furthermore Careful I even 1 upped this and was elected CP for the second time.

Guess it must have been a long slumber for the mostly useless account of careful the inactive commander of the mostly inactive military unit the Clerics.

Now lets STOP all of this right now. In the article Rusty basically blamed me for the embargo when it was emphatically shown that the laws WERE passed before I became dictator. Now apparently Rusty D has little regard for the truth and still spew lie after lie after lie. And you lap it up even though my direct contribution to the Irish army and to our top fighters have been +- 2.4 million units of q1 food and +- 100000 Q7 weapons to our troops over a 12 month period. A combined contribution from my own pocket of : 360000 cc and 1.5 million cc or 1.86 million cc contributed by me in supplies. Supplied from my own pocket, But the moment a newcomer come here the rest of you are clapping your hands and cheering on every insult . Need I say that even today our damage for your cause IRELAND is by far superior to any other MU

My fighters will always fight for ireland sometimes a little bit harder and sometimes they will have a low damage week but even their worst week is still above 1 billion damage . There is only 1 Military Unit capable of free'ing Ireland there is only 1 MU that can liberate you. There is only 1 Military Unit that on paper looks like a decent military and there is only 1 military unit where fighters are supplied well and can reap the rewards of the only well run supply line.

Now the Rusty's and Chances of the world can say a lot of thing they can hold giveaways but they cant organize and maintain a decent MU.

Ask for supplies below and get not 1000 but 5000 Q1 Food and 150 Q7 Weps.

My inventory are 100000 q1 food and 1500 q7 weps SO hurry or everything is gone.