[Conway] The Team

Day 1,719, 06:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway

Off to watch the Dubs thrash Laois about today so this is just a short one!

Anyway my team:

I have decided to merge Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministries under one roof. They both do near enough the same job as relations with other countries is our first step in defence.

Joey Millz

The other part of my team is Domestic Affairs. They are my liaisons with congress, in charge of the Community and are overall in charge of what goes on within Ireland.

John Gormley

Now a quick summary of my campaign goals.

Public referendum on our future in EDEN
Keep public informed on what is going on in the administration
Strengthen relationship with the United Kingdom
Gain extra resources
Provide an Irish military campaign
Improve New Player retention rate

As I said in my manifesto, I am not everyone's choice. I have however given a lot of commitment to Ireland, I have been the longest servant out of all other candidates. I ask for my chance to show you, Ireland what I really can do.