[Beaver4CP] My goals, part 5. Education & Demography [+ Sexy Teacher!]

Day 1,991, 02:03 Published in Belgium Belgium by Beaverss Tribute to Raskol

Dear eBelgian citizens,

Now my program on Education & my project to create a Demography Ministry.

As a former Minister of Education, I have a major interest in this question. In eBe, each new MoE has create new tutorials; experienced players created some too. The biggest problem for now is that ⅓ of all these texts is outadated, ⅓ is unclear or bad & we’ve ⅓ which is of good quality, almost perfect, but which need to be translated into French & Dutch (the language boundary is important for lots of new Belgian players). Also, the information is different on the eBelgian eRepublik Wiki, on the forum & in game. I want to standardize all this information & repost it regularly in game.

SwaqqCoryn, when he was MoE, made an awesome tutorial. We should complete it, make a trilingual translation and, after that, use it to educate our new players. Elynea has made some good articles in French too. On the forum, there are lots of tutorials, but some are not translated or out of date. I will put order in this & publicize it in game.

I also want to set up a tutor program between new players & experienced players. Congress will vote the State authorized Godfathers.

Moreover, I want to create a Ministry of Demography. In eFrance, they’ve one which organizes the State campaigns of recruitment on the Internet. The only long term perspective for eBe is to increase our national population. The Minister of Demography will organize missions to motivate eBelgians to search new citizens & will create a tutorial explaining how to do this. The outline has to be specified by the MoDEM himself & the government, seeing that it’s the first time that eBe will try to do this. I had contacts in eMexico & eFrance where they’re really active in this matter, to improve our recruitment national skills.

Thanks for reading,
Beaver, CP candidate.