[BE] Citizens want more gold, SWEDEN AT WAR

Day 1,337, 11:17 Published in Sweden Sweden by Oscdar

A big event have been arranged in the so called "Citizen Feed". I am of course talking about the massive chain shout to the administrators of Erepublik.com to modify the amount of gold an average citizen get over the different level stages so that everyone can aqquire more gold.

This so called "chain shout" have been posted all over the erepublik website by different citizens in a try to get the administrators attention.

But some claim that such thing will never be happening because of the fact that erepublik.com is owned by a company/group of investors and developers that of course should get paid for their effort of hosting, developing and administrating the website. And right now the only way to do so is by selling fictional pixelated gold for real money to the erepublik players.

Germany has once again engaged Sweden in a Resistance war as a try to reclaim their former regions occupied by Sweden. The Swedish military quickly responsed in an article telling the Swedish citizens to fight for their honour and directly ingaging the Swedish millitary in the matter. And as expected Sweden has so far won two of eight battles, but there is still alot to be done before all Swedish citizens can rest again. We here at Bulletin Express wishes you the best of luck in the battle to remember that Sweden will never loose it's dignity as long as we don't give up on our motherland.

That was all for todays article. Subscribe for upcoming articles from Bulletin Express - the eWorlds Fastest Newspaper, and tune in on Bulletin Onlinefor the latest Bulletin TV episode and more from the BE Team.

//Oscdar, PD