[B.H.O.S.A.]Seven million for Otago. Together to victory!

Day 1,526, 09:56 Published in New Zealand Georgia by Don Luchiano

B.H.O.S.A. = A special detachment of the Black Hand Units

Otago is free!

The combined forces, we managed to win. We won the region and we went back the pride and glory. The fight was great! The eight round without a break ...
Black Hand has participated in this war and proved himself as a well-organized paramilitary units.

Otago is ours!

Now our task is to defend OTAGO again and to celebrate the great victory!
Only together we can do anything!


Each soldier has to give their best, only then victory is assured!
Let us be brave and proud! We do not give our New Zealand!

Black Hand is with you!

Now, if you have time, enjoy the pictures 😃

The first two rounds we have a rest ... but then...
We showed our unity and organization!

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