[ATO] Party Presidency of July

Day 1,331, 06:24 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Time has come once again for the Party Presidency.

Once again ATO proved last month that we could do great things together as all our members were elected and that we are involved in every congress debate. We can't still apply our merging program, but there are (small) hopes that Netherlands could try to launch Resistance War against Poland next month, which could lead to a possible beginning of discussions about merging.

For the constitution, we succeeded at having the Ministry of Justice seat and Critically is currently working on a constitution renewal (also known as "burn it project").

(note that there are man and woman on this picture so everyone is pleased 😉)

We also received several dutch immigrants this month, helping to strengthen the bonds between both communities (not even talking about our real life Dutch current epresident).

I won't make any electoral promises and ask for votes for the next election for a very simple reason: I'm 100% certain to win, having kicked all the opposition out of the party. Thus I will encourage our members to go vote in other parties, either to the highest bidder or to someone that deserve to be elected. This still has to be studied and will be discussed on our forum.

Best regards,
Party President of All TOgethers and Vice President of eBelgium