[ATO] Congress August

Day 1,371, 09:08 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi


Hello Dear Citizens of eBelgium,

(something that could be wear by both man and woman 😛)

A recent poll has showed that the eBelgian opinion was divided about a merge. Due to some technical details caused by the current in game rules we cannot merge. This is the reason why ATO will stop focusing on a merge for the incoming months and will work on eBelgium itself.

For the next month we plan to rent a foreign region, if financially possible, to rise the productivity of our country. This could be combined with a temporary mandatory donation of congress medal to pay the rent (surplus would be given back, and the law would stop on the day the rent stop). Other possibilities can be considered also, we are open to any suggestion .

Another important topic is the Belgian Army Forces which is the symbol of Belgium. Indeed this army is not so strong and don’t have much power. However it is a strong symbol of the country and when we fight for foreign countries, it allows up to strengthen our Foreign Diplomacy.

Those are the goals we will try to achieve the following month. In this purpose, ATO will support the following candidates:

Flanders: Van Den Bossche Yorrick, Iliancer
Brussels: Olv007
Wallonia: Jofroi

If we have enough support, we will also try to add a 6th candidate, Procuste that some of you may know.

This is a mix between experienced players (Olv007 and Jofroi), younger players (Iliancer and Vekarga) and very young players (Van Den Bossche Yorrick) to have the abilities to see different opinions.

Good luck to all parties,
Party President of All TOgethers

PS: For the belgian girls: