Šampionat eRepa u šahu

Day 4,280, 09:11 Published in Serbia Armenia by Sasa Kostic

Poštovani čitaoci, ljubitelji šaha,

Završio se i četvrti ovogodišnji prvenstveni turnir u šahu eRepa pobedom novog predsednika eSrbije, Stefana Mauzera. Uz čestitke za briljantu igru da mu poželimo da ovako precizno vuče poteze prilikom obavljanja svoje funkcije.

I svi ostali igrači zaslužuju čestitke za fer borbu i lepa šahovska ostvarenja.

Dear readers, Chess lovers,

The fourth of this year's eRep chess tournament has ended with the victory of the new eSerbia president, Stefan Mauzer. With congratulations on the brilliant game, we wish him to pull his moves with such precision when performing his function.

And all the other players deserve congratulations on their fair fighting and their beautiful chess achievements.

Sledeća tabela je na osnovu ostvarenih rezultata na IV ovogodišnjem turniru.
The following table is based on the results achieved in this year's IV tournament.

Sledi trenutna tabela u takmičenju za najboljeg šahistu eRepa. Do kraja takmičenja su ostala još dva turnira.

The following is the current standings in the competition for the best eRep chess player. Two more tournaments remained until the end of the competition.


Donator fra_diavolo je obezbedio sredstva za nagradu za dve najbrže partije.

1. vasicakobasica - ultragudra 0 : 1 (6 poteza)

2. Dejan Rackov 1999 - eSeM11 1 : 0 (9 poteza)

Svi koji žele da odmere snage sa ovim šahistima su dobrodošli. Propozicije takmičenja su na sledećem linku: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/iv-open-turnir-u-ahu-propozicije-prijave-novi-tekst--2699590/1/20.

Igrači će biti povezani kružnom porukom ali se prednost daje strani na Telegramu gde će se moći zakazivati i gledati partije uživo - https://t.me/erepubliksah.
Anyone wishing to weigh power with these chess players is welcome. The competition rules are at the following link: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/iv-open-turnir-u-ahu-propositions-registration-new-text--2699590/1/20.

Players will be linked in a circular message but preference is given to a page on the Telegram where they will be able to schedule and watch live games - https://t.me/erepubliksah.

Prijavljeni igrači:

1. ultragudra
2. Stefan Mauzer
3. VelAco
4. ZlajaPeki
5. eSeM11
6. Damio22
7. Nikola_JS
8. free area
9. Dejan Rackov 1999
10. smeddy
11. Vojvoda Dragan
12. Sasa Kostic


Molim da se jave oni igrači koji mogu da odigraju većinu svojih partija. U slučaju opravdanih izostanaka međunarodni sudijski tim će imati razumevanja. Potrebno je samo da se igrači jave. Ukoliko pojedini igrači ne odigraju dve partije a da se pri tom ne jave sudiji biće kontumacirani.

Please sign up for players who can play most of their games. In the case of justified absences, the international refereeing team will have understanding. All it takes is for players to report to the referee. If individual players do not play two games without reporting to the referee, they will be banned.


Da napomenem da je ovo privatni projekat tako da su donatori dobrodošli.

To mention that this is a private project so donors are welcome.