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Day 3,915, 23:04 Published in Russia Finland by medvezhutka

"Windows games that will run on Intel Macs thanks to TransGaming’s new Cider software. There’s no rebooting involved and no separate Windows partition to be installed. It all happens transparently.

TransGaming, which several years ago dipped its toes in the Mac game market with conversions from leading Mac game publishers, is taking another step into the Mac market, this time adopting their Cedega technology for Linux to run on Intel-based Macs. The result is a forthcoming series of games from PC game publishers that TransGaming’s CEO Vikas Gupta calls a “transparent” experience for Mac gamers.

“Cider games will run as if they were made for Mac OS X,” Gupta told Macworld in a recent interview.

With Cider, Mac users’ long wait for Mac OS X-native games is a thing of the past—Mac users will be able to run Cider-enhanced Windows games simultaneously or nearly simultaneously with their PC counterparts, said Gupta.

Cider that’s distilled from WINE"

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