[11/21] Party Update - I3 [11/21]

Day 1,097, 12:18 Published in Israel USA by George Griffin


Congressional Sign-ups

Do you want to sign up for the Knesset/Congress? We need you to follow a few simple steps. Please read on...

Step 1 - Visit out party page: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/integrity-integration-israel-3181/1
Step 2 - Sign up for your region
Step 3 - Please contact John Jay: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1009972 or Rehinlander: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1764942

We also please ask that you write some sort of platform on your stances and ideas (pretty simple).

If you have any questions or need a walk through, please message me or the two links I have posted. Don't be afraid to ask questions, thats why we are here. Follow those steps and you are on your way!

Also, if you would like to sign up for mobile voting, please contact John or Rhein on that situation. We would love to have mobile voters ready for election day!

Party Name Change?

Don't get all mad just yet. A name change for the I3 has came to discussion. It will be the final word on what you guys vote on! Tonight I will be massing everyone in the I3 for your vote on the name change! Please make sure you get back to me ASAP!

And on the last note! I thank John Jay for signing me as the Party Director of Communications. So, on that note, get messaging and get active.
