Werewolfs Vampires and Witches!

Day 5,166, 12:36 Published in Austria Austria by GeneralWuff

Dear friends,

As promised here is your Story about Vamps, Werewolfs and Witches.
The most powerful creature is the Tribrid. If you ask yourself what a Tribrid is, I will explain to you, its a mix of a Vampire, a Werewolf and a Witch. This "Thing" can only be killed by a White Oak Stake.
To get a Vampire you need to die with Vampireblood in your organism. A scratch from a Werewolf turns you in to one. Hybrids are more difficult to make and Tribrids even harder.
Hybrids and Tribrids can only made by a Original Vampire.

I hope you like my story and you are interested in beeing part comment under the article with Werworlf Vampire or Witch.(Tribrids and Hybrids will not be available for now)

General Wuff

P.S. After beeing new in erepublik and I am not sure if I am the first one writing about it but if I am, I would be honored to be a the Tribrid in erepublik