WDIB2 Log In

Day 4,773, 01:48 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath
Hey Shiloh, I'll see your Rammstein and raise you a musically-talented Russian girl singing it

Why do I bother on this game anymore? 3 reasons.

1: habit
2: monkey-brain gratification that comes from upgrading my companies
3: a sense of loyalty to the few left in this game who are quality friends

I'm not kidding. It is a rare day that I spend more than 5 minutes on this shty game anymore, and I'm very happy about that.

There, that was easy. Now here's a list of better things you can do instead of logging in.

Learn a Language
This is something I've been doing since before my first foray into erep. I started learning German in a high school classroom, and I just kinda never gave it up. I follow German music, watch German movies and dubs, talk to Germans online, and I have an 802-day streak on Duolingo.

I've also be putting off-and-on effort into Spanish, and I am improving. Like I said, 802-day streak on Duolingo. I'm less into the supplementary language materials for Spanish, though. I'm almost-but-not-quite good enough to get into Spanish Disney movies and really follow them. I'm more at the Paw Patrol stage lol.
And let's face it, A LOT of Spanish music has a very particular and repetitive sound that anyone who has been on a construction site at the same time as a drywall guy can identify. Sorry to anyone who likes that music, there's definitely a mood in which I can enjoy it, but for the most part, I think I'm too white to really get it.

And here's a nice transition into item #2

Get a Penpal
Speaking of supplementary language learning materials, I found a native Spanish speaker on a penpal app who I've been talking to for a little over a month. It's been a neat friendship. Talking to ESL people is a unique and fun dynamic, too, because they sometimes get prepositions and things mixed up in a way that changes the meaning of what they said. It's a fun time! hmu in the meta if you want to hear about the app I use.

Oh, and the accents. I can understand German accents. I'm even good with Brit accents (yes, even Scouse, and even Sterling to an extent), but Spanish speakers talk way too damn fast rofl. I need practice there. Thankfully, I'm getting it.

Read a Book
That's one thing I've been doing with that penpal I mentioned. She got me into a book called "7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle." Murder mystery, etc. We've been keeping pace with each other finishing chapters on the same day, It's been neat.

Another thing I've been reading is "Journey to the West." I found an English translation of this tome and have been passively reading it at a much slower pace than the first book I mentioned (putting a book and a PC on the same deak, human attention will naturally be drawn to one more often than the other lmao). I've heard it described as something that shaped Eastern mythology as much as the Illiad and LotR shaped Western. It's been interesting so far.

There's also a youtube audiobook of "Gulag Archipelago" (sorry SFP lol you guys are still awesome, big respect for you all, seriously, you're good friends and quality people) that I've been playing for background noise in the rare moments that I get bored with music. Can't go wrong with the classics, especially nonfiction as iconic as that.

One of my favorite authors who I'm not reading at the moment but will absolutely recommend is Matthew Quick. "Forgive me Leonard Peacock" and "The Reason You're Alive" have both helped me through painful moments in my life.

Plan a Needlessly Elaborate Christmas Gift for Someone
I have an internet friend who I met somewhere other than erep, and she recently lost a close family member. A mutual friend and I have been cooking up an idea to get a mailing address for her, and send her bath bombs and a bunch of other grief-care-package type stuff. Okay, it's not as needlessly elaborate as it could be, but it'll make someone happy.

Teach yourself to Brew (if you are of legal age)
I recently bottled a batch of Christmas Mead. There are 4 bottles in this batch, 2 of which are already vinegar. I need to examine my airlock lmao.

Write a Book
Something else I've been working on since before I returned to erep. I've published a handful of short books through Amazon KDP (they're not selling because KDP leaves you high and dry for advertising lmao) and have been submitting to publishers for a few others, including full novel-length ones. Publishing houses, though, explicitly say they take MONTHS to review every submission, and you may not even get a reply due to overcrowding of submissions. It's a process. I get the feeling I may have to know somebody in order for my manuscript to get taken seriously, but it's whatever. I'm still glad I wrote what I did, and I still have hope of getting my works to have bigger names for themselves.

Unfortunately, you'll have to be a close friend if you want me to share the titles with you, because that requires doxxing myself, and I'm not telling some of you people my real name lol.

Play a Better Game
You'll have to hmu in the meta to get my suggestions on better games you should try, because Plato has a rule about talking about other games in-game. I've picked up or at least looked at a few since beginning to drift away from erep. I enjoy myself more in those than I do here.

Oh, and before I forget, here's a quick reason #4 I bother to log in: trolling the trolls.

The story behind this is I promised him an interview for his CP race back when he returned as VT, and then I didn't include him in the first CP debate lmao. It warms my heart to see him still sour about this. That may just have been the most rewarding thing I've ever done while taking this game seriously.

I'll leave you off there with a message of: "Get off your ass and work on something IRL!" For real, if we put as much effort into our lives as we do here, we'd all be friggen millionaires. Doing something is half the battle, but doing something that's worth doing is what really counts. So get to it!

Allow me to send you off with the sweet sounds of Mr. Sinatra's voice. "That's Life!"

Stay Jazzy!