Vote for Change - Vote for H.O.P.E and, vote Killah Bee!

Day 4,698, 09:42 Published in Belgium South Africa by OKayOK

Once a month we are asked to take a long hard look at our eCountry, how it is being managed, how much interaction, development, social services etc. that there are and how much there should be. The election of an executive president to take the helm is one of the most important clicks that we can make in this game and it should be taken seriously.

D9, lame duck
Looking back through the election history, I can see that D9 was Country President as far back as January 2017. His last article was written over three months ago. You have to ask yourself, is it acceptable that the president of your country has zero communication with his constituents for three whole terms? I think that the answer should be a resounding no!

I am not from this country originally. I come from eSouth Africa where, even as a small country we had a vibrant, citizen-centric government that used tax contributions to make eLife awesome. We had involved, active presidents, a highly motivated and effective Ministry of Social Development who actively used Facebook to recruit new players into the game. We had a well equipped Ministry of Security that would vet new players and Citizen Requests to ensure that the country was protected against NPO. We had a well-staffed Ministry of Foreign Affairs that actively worked with other countries, forming alliances with some of the most powerful countries in the game.

What has the D9 Administration done for your country? Do you feel that they have taken your interests into account, do you feel that the president has treated you with the respect that you deserve? Do you feel that they can do better?

If you want real change, why not use your vital vote for change, real tangible change that will make your country a better place? Why not vote for a president that will not simply be a medal whore taking away chances from newer players (You guys know what I am talking about).

This coming election, vote for real change, vote for Killah Bee and the H.O.P.E party and let's start making eBelgium awesome!