Day 4,923, 20:17 Published in Mexico Argentina by Jorgedpp11

Buenas buenas buenas!!!!!

Aqui me presento, soy Jorgedpp, a fin de mes va a ser un año que arranque en este juego y me dedique 100% al modulo economico en el cual creo que me estoy desempeñando bien...
Soy Argentino, tengo 30 años, obviamente arranque en eArgentina (gran comunidad), pero decidi venirme para eMexico a ver que onda o.O
Muchas gracias Mexico por abrirme sus puertas ♥

Bueno... el motivo de este articulo es un sorteo que hago cada tanto entre mis empleados, el mismo es de 50k, pero debido a que el reciente evento me favorecio mucho vamos a duplicar esa suma, 100k para sortear entre esas personas que se quedaron conmigo durante todo el evento trabajando y trabajando.
¿Que hay que hacer? Facil, si sos empleado y trabajas en "Dpp Corporation" lo unico que tenes que hacer es comentar este articulo dejando un numero de tres cifras, el ganador lo sacaremos de la loteria nacional argentina nocturna del dia lunes 17 del corriente mes.
En caso de empate los jugadores decidiran si reparten el premio o se realizara un nuevo sorteo entre ellos para que haya un solo ganador (de no concidir con el numero exacto el ganador es el que mas se aproxima al mismo)

Por otro lado, si alguno tiene un negocio en mente que me lo quiera comentar y poder realizarlo juntos para un beneficio mutuo no tiene mas que mandarme un mensaje por el juego o Telegram @jorgedpp y lo charlamos.

Muchas gracias a todos!

PD : Aguante Humberto Velez!!!!! Idolo!!!!

Good good good !!!!!

Here I introduce myself, I am Jorgedpp, at the end of the month it will be a year that starts in this game and I dedicate myself 100% to the economic module in which I think I am performing well ...
I am Argentine, I am 30 years old, obviously I started in eArgentina (great community), but I decided to come to eMexico to see what happened oO
Thank you very much Mexico for opening its doors to me ♥

Well ... the reason for this article is a raffle that I do every so often among my employees, it is 50k, but because the recent event favored me a lot we are going to double that sum, 100k to raffle among those people who are they stayed with me throughout the event working and working.
What is there to do? Easy, if you are an employee and work in "Dpp Corporation" all you have to do is comment on this article leaving a three-digit number, the winner will be drawn from the Argentine national night lottery on Monday 17 of the current month.
In case of a tie, the players will decide whether to distribute the prize or a new draw will be carried out between them so that there is only one winner (if the exact number is not agreed, the winner is the one closest to it)

On the other hand, if someone has a business in mind that wants to tell me about it and be able to do it together for mutual benefit, they just have to send me a message through the game or Telegram @jorgedpp and we will talk about it.

Thank you very much to all!