Q1 houses!

Day 2,949, 07:28 Published in Venezuela USA by ComputerSpeaker

I have noticed your house market is very little so am going to impart the knowledge of q1 houses.

your wage is 75. your tax is 1% so your take home is about 74.

with a Q! house you can work over time! this means you get an extra wage each day! and a house lasts for a week. so you can get 7* 74= 518 currency!

houses on your market are about 440. so you can make an extra 58 currency a week.

So i suggest if someone moves to a foreign market and buys houses. then sells them on your local market they can profit.

This is risky. I will try to remember to put houses for sale on your market. however i have to pay import tax so someone will almost always be able to but a house on my local market and then re sell on your market!

so remember it may never be profitable for you to produce houses but it might always be profitable to consume them!