Let's not Polish a Turd

Day 3,919, 20:10 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

In a game where imbeciles rule, redundant Training Wars have become the norm. These Wars let the few profit and the majority die of boredom. Pakistan has held Training Wars with Iran for about 3-4 years now. The countries hard tanking to gain Aircraft Resources in Balochistan were quickly traded away for safety. And as the old adage goes, those that would trade a little freedom for a little security, deserve neither.

Pakistan had a surprising thing happen some time ago. The wig's began advertising the game in Pakistani social media (and iirc a former ePakistan Player spent money for ads here too) and Eygptian social media. The result was a baby boom in each country. However the Egyptian Government succeeded in keeping some of the players that came to the game, by staying on the map and developing itself.

Pakistan didn't do this. We continued the Training wars and with this and the lack of communication from Government, new players just died in hordes. This new government wishes to end the stupid practice of training wars. We want to play the game, we are small but we don't want to be abused by the training war syndrome. It should go without saying that small countries have less resources than larger communities. Having war going for 3 years makes this disenfranchisement even worse.

If you are foreigner reading this, and you are in your country's Government, I implore you to end the retarded cycle of Training Wars. Wars are not helping this game.

This has been a public service message from your Prime Minister.

Thanks for Reading,
