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Day 2,596, 10:01 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

Hai. So we have been wiped off the map and this will likely be a fact of life for several months. The reason being is due to the Lazocrat/Turkish domination of our Political Party infrastructure and the fact that no one wants to help us abroad. As you know last Party President election cycle the Turkish PTO'ers took three of our top Parties and have not relinquished them. Some Pakistani citizens decided to help Thailand conqueror us so that their Congress members could no authorize more citizen accounts coming in from Turkey/South Africa/where ever.

It has been a pretty boring month. Most of the countries we reached out to for MPP's never replied, those that did said no to us. Poland signed an MPP but now they are reeling from an invasion and offered little or no help against Thailand. We have plenty of money in the Treasury, I only spent 10,000 dongs. The world is full of Pig-disgustings and this will likely be the future of the game until it ends and the website goes down.

The Country President elections are coming up and we will decide who runs the country, my guess is that it will either be a Noob vs. PTO'er candidate, and the PTO will win because the last few months the Turks have buffered their Party infrastructure exclusively with citizenship pass's for their fellow Turks.


Anyway it is only a matter of time until the country is robbed and becomes a Lazocrat satellite state like South Africa has become. While loyalists pledge to help the country then flee nearly as soon as they say they will help... Pakistan has an uncertain future ahead of it. I have not had much time to play eRepublik with real life problems coming affront throughout my term. I intend to go on life support two clicking soon and will have very little contact with the game for some time.

It was my hope that Dioists would help forge an Empire here, but most of them want nothing to do with Pakistan. They have become puppets to Bonus Resources and have forsaken the Peace that is the religion. Most of them fight to carve out mini empires throughout Za Warudo, in boring wars that amount to clicking with no real fun involved beyond that.

May Dio Brando continue to bless Pakistan. May the Dioist faith rally to its cause in the future. May Green Onions rain from the sky, and Sand to cover the Snows of this forsaken world. May we all Dance for Dio at the end of days.