Hillary´s challenge: military community and True Allied Medal

Day 5,142, 03:25 Published in USA Spain by Ddraig Goch
First things first. I´m not English (or similar), so sorry for any mistake. That said, this article is for Hillary´s Challenge, and I will write about the True Allied Medal (TAM).

This game needs many changes and new features. We all know that. Each of us remember old deleted features (defense systems, hospitals, country coins, mayors...) or features changed by something worst (I wont say fuel, I think it´s a good change), or we have something in mind that could be better for the game, the players or the community. From the own game dynamic to simple visuals (which come normally with scripts, instead of the game).

But I will focus in one of them. The True Allied Medal. This is something you may know from other games (I wont say any name). The system is easy: if you fight for allies, you get CC in exange, from a medal similar to the True Patriot medal.
Why do I think this is neccesary?. Well, the miliary module has become the main module to keep countries "alive". I mean, diplomacy is still important, ofc. But if you fight against a country which double your forces, allies wont probably be able to keep you in the map.
You can tell me: well, now we have protectors, so you can fight for another country as native (with the time, even more, because you can be PoN 50 for another country, and use ghost at the same time). And I can answer: ofc, but at what price?. Some people cant fight for their own country regulary in ground, for example. They dont have maxhit to cover the cost, because the dont have enough strength or because they dont have rank/protector enough. For example, now you need 800k maxhit just to cover weap costs. Less if you use 50% boosters, but you wont have enought boosters if you dont pay for BP, or if you dont have cc for the spin montly.
So, if you cant fight regulary for your country (because you cant play with losses day after day after day), how to tank to help and allie in an one week real war?
Beacuse, yes, if you need at some point deploying for and allie, event with 1kpp it´s just 8kcc (today). But we know, in a real war, you need to tank hard, and that is really expensive.

But, allies? and what happens with the TW?.
TW are completely neccesary for the game. The game itself want you to desire having all what you can, to pay for it. With only 5-10 active wars (real wars), seassonal offers and in fact all the store wouldnt have any sense, so people wouldnt have any gold for it(well, just true high visas).
But now, we have something we didnt have before: the enrolled vehicles. At the end, the TP is something chosen by the citizen: you selected a country when you eborn, and even when the change of CS has to be accepted by the new country, the process is started by the own citizen.
So, why True Allied Medal should we different?. It´s the citizen who choose the countries he enrolls his vehicles for, so it´s he, who should choose his own "allies".
That means you can set and ally that is "officially" an enemy of your countrie (talking about TW). Indeed, it could be similar to be in war with a member of the same alliance, something that is currently possible.

How could change that the dynamic of the game?. Well, imagine you are PoN 50 for your country. Now, you can do 2 things mainly (in ground): you have a great (probably) maxhit, so you can farm CC for the spin; or you can start fighting for an ally, to have a good maxhit in the future in case they need damage, but not getting cc at all. With a TAM, you know you will may loose some cc at the beginning, but very soon you will get the balance, and some after you will cover your costs and get some cc extra.

That could change everything in this exxpensive game and module. If you are in a low division, where not all the countries have epics on Tuesday (because, yes, it´s a very important point to rank), you can choose a big allie to fight for in Tuesday epics, so you can get cc from your allies on Tuesday, and the rest of the week from your CS. You will rank (PoN) 2 countries without looses but half speed, though. Or maybe you are a native PoN lvl 50 with mav, so you can think in getting protector for another country, using all your energy for it, and cover the initial looses farming gold in low divs with the mav.

This is an example, of how much time a strength 200k citizen could neet to get a maxhit enought from another country (changing CS) to, after coming back to its own country, be able to not loosing cc tanking for another an ally. That figures doesnt take in consideration the 50/100% booster, so the time could be even less.
At this point (earlier, if you are stronger) you know you can use a booster and hit hard in a real war of your ally. Maybe you wont earn anything, but you will be able to have enough cc back to cover weaps.

I think, this could be a new push for communities, exchanging players for a couple o weeks to get 10% PoN experience at the beginning and get a acceptable maxhit (loosing cc, ofc, because now your ally becomes your CS, so you wont get TP), and keep on fighting from the own country after that (getting cc know from the TAM).
The links between countries would be stronger than now. There would be no excuses to fight for friends, and alliances would be more usefull. Countries could develop plans to help citizens from other countries if they get PoN fom their countries, at least at the beginning (when they get less incomes, or not incomes at all if they change CS to lvl up PoN faster).

You can say: "that is selfish, you think only in profits". The problem is, you cant help with no profits. I mean, maybe your country is not involve in any important war, and you want to use all your hits to help and ally, as it should be. But, how can you do it if you dont have CC to pay weaps?.
If we get TP from your own country (the country Top1..2.. and 3 in your priorities), why should it be different with allies?. Even more now, when the game has become something really expensive for many players.

And, as you have 20 TP countries in your profile if you fighted with different CS, you can have as many countries in your profile as vehicles you enrolled to fight for linked to the True Allied Medal. But getting cc from all of them, not from the higher (as happens with the TP, a very big lie in my opinion).

And we know some people like to show in their profile how great they are (more bhs, more TPs, etc.). So just that would be enough for some to start fighting for allies, showing in their profiles how much they fight for other countries, and which of them.

Now it is the moment Plato stop being so stingy. He always try we dont get anything for "free", and TP is an example (it gives, but not as it should do, and you only need to set your mouse on the medal and read, to see how false it is). There are 2 ways here: people kepp fighting for their own countries (mainly), and getting TP from it; or a TAM is released, and people can fight easier from allies, based on enrolled vehicles (I think is the best option, in my opinion), so people keep getting cc, but with more interesting military comunities.
Every day, eR has less players. We dont have new players because people is looking for another kind of games now, and old players left for one reason or another (or they got ban, what is even worst). So the game has to think in new ways for the few of us that stay can help each other. And in my opinion, this could be a good way. Because yes, eR can released new packs or features (as vehicles levels) to get more military power, but that would be always for a limited number of people. A TAM would be for everyone, and in from an opposite philosophy.

So that is, nothing else to say about. Thanks for reading, if you got here.