eRepublik Wiki - what to do with it?

Day 4,148, 05:52 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

several times during this month (and during few previous months as well), an idea to use eRepublik Wiki more was mentioned by various individuals in Netherlands. As the debates around it start to appear again, I believe we need to have a small discussion about the Wiki itself.

As you may or may not know, there is a lot of information of the eRepublik Wiki, not only about the general rules of the game, but about our country as well. However, as there is no designated Dutch official responsible for keeping the informations relevant, the information simply become obsolete quickly without maintenance. Governments, Congress, Laws, Population Size - all of these change each month, and all of these are listed on the Wiki. And I am even talking about other related pages to Netherlands, like our alliances or our political parties. And maintaining Wiki is not really attractive or deemed as important to many people, as majority of players focus solely on information relayed to them via in-game itself, and they do not consider Wiki relevant enough in 2019.

During previous months, I have occasionally updated some of our Dutch Wiki pages. For example look at the last five edits of "Netherlands" page itself:

... and just for some interesting statistics, look at the edits which were done today, after the Lawbook of the Netherlands Wiki version was updated from its long-time obsolete version of old Forum days.

... the Government Programs are growing, can we still achieve more 😛 ? Also, look how much unnecessary fluff was in the old Congress Law

However, these edits are done randomly, and in order to keep the eRepublik Wiki relevant and up-to-date, we would need dedicated maintenance, and not impulsive one like me. And that's what I would like to ask you about in this article - who should be doing the maintenance? And is it even worth doing it? Below are some of the ideas floating in my hea😛

- Citizens being subsidized by government program: You maintain a page updated, you deserve a small reward for your activity. Good to engage community, and give active players a chance to participate 🙂 .
- Minister of Education: Some countries like The United Kingdom use eRepublik Wiki as a Tutorial, which I personally like a lot. Should we therefore dedicate entire Ministry to keep eRepublik Wiki informations up-to date, while using it as a tool for our new players?
- Current metho😛 Or should we just "give up" on it, as it is not important enough, focus to relay all information via in-game articles, and let updates to be done randomly, as they are now? Are even some citizens interested in keeping the Wiki updated, or not?

I would be curious to know your opinion on it o/ !

Sincerely, yours

Janty F